Chicken Rainbow ... Need Suggestions!!


In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2017
Hi! I love the variety of my chickens more than anything! What I already have is listed below. Any other breeds you recommend and why?

Prefer either, decent layer, colorful egg or just a really neat or rare breed!

I have:
Black Copper Marans
Ameraucana (Blue and Black variety)
Olive Egger(Cream Legbar/Marans cross)
Easter Egger (Ameraucana/RIR cross)
Buff Orpington
East Frisian Gull (Gold variety)
Speckled Sussex
Salmon Faverolles
Silkie Bantam
Barred Rock Bantam
Cochin Bantam

Wish List (if I can ever find them):
Cream Legbar
Blue Copper Marans
Columbian rocks! The hens are friendly, confident, and smart, and the rooster (not a good first time chicken owner rooster) is brave, aggressive, and gentle with the ladies. Mine has fought off hawks. They’re amazing chickens!
Try New Hampshire Reds.Their friendly and the roosters have some great coloring.
Great egg Layers,and lay very well during winter and do much better in fall/winter because their such a heavier breed.Males can reach about seven pounds hens five pounds.
Kinda bossier then lots of breeds but I keep several always in my flock,and I think their not just basic.The colors personality really is what catches my eye,a few of mine.
Rooster is most friendly.Been here for three years.Great watch out and defender and lets me pick him up and etc,pics tooken
cochins yyayayyaya 320.JPG
Sex Links!!! I should be the official advertiser for these chickens. They're amazing! I personally like Red or Golden Sex Links, but there are others too. Amazing, amazing layers. Last flock, mine took one day off from laying about every 2 weeks! They're also very kind birds, and really good foragers. Mine have always been very curious, and love everything a chicken should. They might get picked on a little bit, but all the chickens seem to respect them, even though they don't seem to have a place in the pecking order. I highly recommend them! Also, those breeds sound like a lot of fun! Send us pictures please!
Try New Hampshire Reds.Their friendly and the roosters have some great coloring.
Great egg Layers,and lay very well during winter and do much better in fall/winter because their such a heavier breed.Males can reach about seven pounds hens five pounds.
Kinda bossier then lots of breeds but I keep several always in my flock,and I think their not just basic.The colors personality really is what catches my eye,a few of mine.
Rooster is most friendly.Been here for three years.Great watch out and defender and lets me pick him up and etc,pics tooken
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That second picture made me smile :lol::goodpost:
You need some white egg layers to make your blue and green eggs stand out. Leghorns are a bit flighty but great personalities and excellent layers. You don't seem to have any white hens in your flock so you could go with white which are the best layers or if you want something more colourful, brown leghorns or better still exchequer leghorns are very striking and quite rare.
I would say wyandottes. They are not the most unusual, but they come in so many colors, and some of the colors are quite hard to find. They are decent layers and quite friendly. My friend has like 8 or them and loves them to pieces. Whatever you do, do not get Polish. The afros make them a pecking target. Hope you find the perfect need breeed to add to your flock!

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