Chicken rescue... M4 motorway

Jo Protherough

May 30, 2020
Driving along the motorway yesterday (uk M4) and there was a little chicken. Just stood there. So I stopped on the hard shoulder... walked back... and after some shenanigans they let me pick them up. There was a very dead (and very flat) chicken there that they had been stood by poor little thing. The poor scrap was very thin, very dehydrated.

Anyway, I popped him/her in the car, caught them upon the plot of the audio book I was listening to, and drove them the hour and a half home.

They are currently quarantined but are interested in my flock and eating well. I've a feeling that they might be a rooster but we'll work something out if they are. I already have a cockeral (who is a psychotic git) so I would need to split the flock. Probably no bad thing.


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That is a Red Sex Link hen. Good thing you rescued her. Being a production bird, she most likely wasn't living in the best conditions. I would quarantine her from your flock for at least 30 days to ensure she's not carrying any diseases that could effect your flock.

What does her feet look like? I see her holding up that one foot and it looks like her other foot has bumble foot. Have you checked her for mites or lice yet?

I suggest letting her have access to fresh water 24/7 and feeding her layer pellets. You can try giving her some watermelon to help hydrant her faster.
Looks like a dumped production chicken. The clipped beak and breed is a give away. Odds are that poor bird was kept in poor conditions as stated above. I’d check that foot out. Also while in quarantine check her breathing. I took in a production chicken that was was being dumped because she hit a year old. She had a respiratory infection when I got her that I missed. Good luck I hope she makes a full recovery! Good job taking her in.
Driving along the motorway yesterday (uk M4) and there was a little chicken. Just stood there. So I stopped on the hard shoulder... walked back... and after some shenanigans they let me pick them up. There was a very dead (and very flat) chicken there that they had been stood by poor little thing. The poor scrap was very thin, very dehydrated.

Anyway, I popped him/her in the car, caught them upon the plot of the audio book I was listening to, and drove them the hour and a half home.

They are currently quarantined but are interested in my flock and eating well. I've a feeling that they might be a rooster but we'll work something out if they are. I already have a cockeral (who is a psychotic git) so I would need to split the flock. Probably no bad thing.
She looks like such a sweet girl! So glad you rescued her! 😊
That is a Red Sex Link hen. Good thing you rescued her. Being a production bird, she most likely wasn't living in the best conditions. I would quarantine her from your flock for at least 30 days to ensure she's not carrying any diseases that could effect your flock.

What does her feet look like? I see her holding up that one foot and it looks like her other foot has bumble foot. Have you checked her for mites or lice yet?

I suggest letting her have access to fresh water 24/7 and feeding her layer pellets. You can try giving her some watermelon to help hydrant her faster.
Thank you so much for this reply. Her feet don't look out of the ordinary and she's walking around ok. I couldn't see any lice or mites but didn't look closely as I figured she needed to settle in first. Watermelon is a good idea... she's had warm porridge and an apple as treats so far.

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