Chicken run fence material


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
I am getting ready to dig the posts for the run and start getting that assembled. Does chicken wire alone offer enough protection from predators. Do I need to spend the money on a welded wire enclosure or do I need a wire cloth type of cover for the run... I have recently relocated 13 fox in the last 2 years 4 this year so far.
ok so when you say down bottom are we talking about burying it like 2 ft under ground or both 2 ft under and 2 ft from the ground up.

How high up should I go and if I go with a welded wire would a 2 inch by 4 inch work or should I find a tighter 1inch by 2 inch.
I have never had a problem with predators digging. 2 feet from the ground up for extra support should be good enough. a welded wire htat size should be more than enough! Good luck
Its easier now to bury the wire cloth than go back after an issue. Everything I have read advised to bury the wire cloth 24 inches down. Now sure where you live, but I found a 100 foot roll of wire cloth 4 feet high for $70. If you have a Lowes in your area, check them out. I do not have problems with foxes, but hawks, raccoons and coyotes, I hope to get a solar motion light to set up on top of my coop. Hopefully when it kicks on, it will scare night time visitors. Good luck!

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