Chicken run skirt idea


In the Brooder
Mar 8, 2023
I am building a 10x20 run. I am covering all sides with 1/4” mesh wire (maybe a bit overkill but want to be extra safe) however my question about keeping foxes and raccoons from digging under is if I can lay down 3’ wide chain link fencing around the perimeter (tie it into my mesh to prevent any gaps at the base of the run) and be confident it’ll keep raccoons and foxes out. Surely they couldn’t get through a chain link fence skirt right? Thank you for the help!
To clarify, I am considering chain link option because I have someone who has some they’ll give me for free. Trying to offset the cost of the 1/4 mesh on the run.
I have a 3’ width of 1/2” pvc coated hardware cloth skirt around my run and it’s kept everything out so far! Just hide the skirt with dirt so the predators can’t see the beginning or end of it! I have coyotes galore around and I’ve seen only one attempt to dig at the edge of the run (of course they couldn’t get past the hardware cloth) and none since then.

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