chicken run


9 Years
Jun 30, 2013
We have used a chain link dog run for our chickens for years with lots of problems... predators, homemade roof issues, not enough room. We finally got 4 of the new Tractor Supply Universal chicken pens and put them together. Then we built a nice chicken house to the side. It turned out great, but I'm still concerned about how wide the gaps are on the run. I lined the bottom half of the walls with black hardware cloth, but not the top half. If anyone has this pen, can you tell me what you have done to make it safer? My chicks are only 5 weeks old and I want to introduce them to this new pen next week.
I am looking for a pen as well, I went to TSC and I think I saw what you mean by gaps, yes, baby chicks can get out that space. I currently have a small pvc chicken tractor and it rests on the ground pretty flush, a little uneven ground and well that darn little chick managed to get herself out and was running around trying to figure out how to get back to her sisters. So, they will get out unless you do modifications, plus other things can get in too. probably rats and mice more likely and snakes. EEEK!

If it's something like this, at minimum I'd cover up the bottom few feet with hardware cloth or 1/2" welded wire, and run out a couple feet as well to form an apron.

If higher predator load (especially small things like weasels) or run is further from house/owners not usually at home/no guard dog to patrol perimeter, etc, I'd consider reinforcing the entire thing with hardware cloth/welded wire.
If it's something like this, at minimum I'd cover up the bottom few feet with hardware cloth or 1/2" welded wire, and run out a couple feet as well to form an apron.

If higher predator load (especially small things like weasels) or run is further from house/owners not usually at home/no guard dog to patrol perimeter, etc, I'd consider reinforcing the entire thing with hardware cloth/welded wire.
Exactly what I was thinking, thing is, for me, after spending that kind of money on it, I don't think it would have to be modified. But that is all I am finding. everything needs modifications.

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