Chicken scraps??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 4, 2013
Hi. I was just wondering what are some different things I can give my chickens. I don't like to waste the food so the good stuff I give to my chickens. Like popcorn etc. Any ideas? Thanks. :D
We hang a cabbage in the run, we have also gave them pumpkins (split), apples pretty much any garden vegies. Obviously left over bread I mix it up with egg shells. If an egg breaks I put it in with the bread or whatever I have in their bucket mix it up and cook it for about a 1:30. The egg shells are good for their crop.
Hi. I was just wondering what are some different things I can give my chickens. I don't like to waste the food so the good stuff I give to my chickens. Like popcorn etc. Any ideas? Thanks.
I have found that chickens will eat almost any food item they can get their beaks around, besides potato and carrot scrapings. I don't think you are supposed to feed them garlic or onions though, and we try to avoid giving them chicken to eat.

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