Chicken seems to be partially blocked/constipated?

Chad Oftedal

6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Woodinville, WA
My Coop
My Coop
I have a hen (Easter Egger) that was struggling a bit in the nest box yesterday. In the early afternoon, I noticed that she had part of a "collapsed, shriveled, ballon like" egg shell coming from her vent. Since she had been in the nest box since mid morning, I decided to give her an epsom salt bath to see if I couldn't help her along. She's intermittently laid these types of eggs (maybe four or five?) before over the last three months, but this is the first time she's ever struggled like this. She's 5 years, 3 months old. Anyway, while in the bath, she didn't seem to get any further along, but she tolerated it quite well. I took her out after about 20 minutes and with a gloved hand, I was able to grab onto the protruding shell and was actually able to seemingly pull it completely out. I took her back to the coop and let her rest.

This morning, she was standing on the bar on the entrance of the nest box which I took as a good sign. But, she stayed in the coop after all the others left, and retreated to the nest box again. I guessed that she may still be struggling a bit, so I made another epsom salt bath and did a 20 minute treatment this morning around 9 am. Nothing came out while in the bath, but when I picked her up to take her out and dry her off, she passed some poop into the water that was almost three inches long, maybe 1/2" in diameter - it looked fairly normal, nothing scary or bloody, etc. So, she is appearing to not be fully blocked, just not able to clear everything out? I did notice on the roost bar, there was also some poop there that she had left early this morning.

I have isolated her in a penned area I have in my coop. It has feed and water, a low roost bar for them to use if they want. I scrambled an egg for her and put a few drops of Nutri-drench in her water. She's not shown any interest in either right now. After my morning meetings for work, I was going to try some Greek yogurt mixed with a crushed Tums tablet and see if she'll show any interest in that. Overall, she's staying mostly in place, not moving around a lot, but when I hold her or work with her on the bath, she's got some spunk in her. Her comb looks good, she's alert and eyes look bright and clear. She is "fluffed up" which I've read can be a sign of some discomfort when egg bound, though I don't think that's exactly what we have right now.

Sorry this has gotten a bit long, I just wanted to try and share as much detail as I've observed. I'm concerned about the water and food, but I also get if she's feeling blocked up some, she may not be super interested in eating. The fact that progress is being made, though slowly, has me encouraged. Are there other things that I should consider for her?

Hello! Do you have calcium citrate? I would dose her with that once a day for a few days, the Epsom salts are good, but they only have the magnesium side, she most likely needs more calcium.
Thanks! I’m picking some up tonight.

They are fed Purina All-flock and I do have calcium out for them to freely consume if desired. But, I totally get that they have individual needs and she may be lacking, so no problem giving her a bit of supplemental doses.
Thanks! I’m picking some up tonight.

They are fed Purina All-flock and I do have calcium out for them to freely consume if desired. But, I totally get that they have individual needs and she may be lacking, so no problem giving her a bit of supplemental doses.
@Chad Oftedal Sure thing! She might not be eating the free offer oyster shell which may be causing issues.

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