Chicken shows in Texas 2011

Dang, I forgot to put the Abilene fall show up on my list. I was working from memory. The Abilene fall show is my favorite show to exhibit at and a wonderful drive for us coming from the south central Texas area. Charles and Bonnie Campbell who run the show are some of the finest Texas has to offer and then you have CW and Edna Carey.

The second weekend in November is a good date for a show in Texas, as you said Sam, it only conflicts with the ohio national which isn't a big draw from Texas most years. The TAEPC stand alone show on that date is now history after the last meeting. I don't think that the holidays are the problem at this point with having a Texas show in November( but opening day of deer season is) but more along the lines of the last comment you gave about volunteers and work. And isn't that the problem with everything? Everyone wants to go to a poultry show but no one wants to help, but that will never change.

Maybe a new group of people will come in and contribute, new poultry clubs start up all over the US, why not Texas? I know that we have had set backs in the last decade and have lost a lot of old timers in the last few years but so has the rest of the country. I also know that the Texas Poultry Federation has done everything it can to put Exhibition poultry out of business, but we are still here and starting to grow again. Hasn't the entries for the State fair grown in the last few years?
We have lost a lot of exhibitors because they refused to adapt, and some these days believe we should just pack it in. I refuse.

It is like my friend Dan says- "Some people are just looking for a reason to get out, hell I am looking for more reasons to stay".

Thank God we have people like you and Dan that have refused to bow down! More power to ya'll!
The BBC doesn't sell birds per Se but there will be birds there for sale. Actually we will have a silent auction to raise money for the club. They will mostly be bantams.
there will be lots of breeders there exhibiting and you may want to find breeds you like and then talk to the exhibitor. Most people have sold their extra birds right now as we head into breeding season, unless you are late in culling like me. I only have game bantams to sell.

I highly recommend you drop by for a visit, the best time is between 9am and 2pm Saturday the 8th. Auctions and raffles will be around 1pm and I figure coop out to be around 3 or 4 at the latest.

Bob Choate
Years ago we all ways had a Pigeon show on thanksgiving week end, and all ways had a very big show in Conroe , Most of the Pigeons were molted out and ready,We drew birds from ever were a lot of out of state birds,I know things has change for out of state birds , But i think that week end is a good time
Thank you everyone!! I will be at the Bluebonnet show.. looking and learning!!


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