Chicken sniffle

Jan 4, 2021
Ada, Oklahoma
I always sit by the chicken run and observe my chickens and today, as I watched them, one of the girls flew to a nearby roost to get close to me - she always does this. And I heard her sniffle and also when she shook her head, I felt some droplets on my face. I looked closer to see the source of the wet liquid and it was not because she had excess water on her beak. Her nostril on the right was having some sort of a flow. The weather here in Ada is in the process of changing from winter to spring and sometimes early summer, but now we are going back to the 40s at night and a few days ago, we even had 28 early in the morning. I will try to post a video of when we made their chicken run so you can see what it looks like and also the side of the coop. The grass in the video at the end is what they really like eating and they prefer it over their laying mash. How do you treat this? I give them supplement vitamins in their water. Thank you for your comments!


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