I had to show Chloe (my 5 yr old) the turken and she yells OMG she is SOOOO cute, what's her name? I reply Turken, she says that is the coolest name ever!!
that child makes me laugh out loud, she is just the cutest little person.
heh, i was temped last week at Milford's to get that little turken from the girl walking around.

she came up to me and asked if i wanted it. i thought she was giving it away for free at first but i thought better and asked how much. i still wish i got it from her.

i need to have patience and wait till i finish what i have going in the incubator. make some space (sell off a few) and sneak one in without the dh seeing.

ChickMagnet, how early have you heard your buff orps crow? the silkie X i bought from you is now about 8 weeks old. i noticed that in the mornings the last few days it has been making a slight crowing noise and chasing the plym rock X silkie around.
it was a joke gift from my daughter

oh sure tease me with a goofy looking chicken, you JUST know I wont be able to pass up bringing it home.
I see how you work LOL.

who me???? big wide innocent eyes
Chickie'sMoma :

heh, i was temped last week at Milford's to get that little turken from the girl walking around.

she came up to me and asked if i wanted it. i thought she was giving it away for free at first but i thought better and asked how much. i still wish i got it from her.

i need to have patience and wait till i finish what i have going in the incubator. make some space (sell off a few) and sneak one in without the dh seeing.

ChickMagnet, how early have you heard your buff orps crow? the silkie X i bought from you is now about 8 weeks old. i noticed that in the mornings the last few days it has been making a slight crowing noise and chasing the plym rock X silkie around.

the only orp I have is a hen. seems early to crow. maybe one of the experts here can give you an opinion. I know more about silkies​
i am bringing 12 frizzled polish eggs with me, if the crazy egg woman doesnt buy them, ya, you know who you are
, then they will be up for sale.
$10 for the doz. white hen frizzled black w/little gold lacing roo
OR a doz which includes, 4 std cochins, 4 whitecrested black polish, 3 frizzled polish and 1 mille fleur d'uccle $12

also have some polish chicks, and a possible frizzled silkie chick.
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All this talk about naked neck chickens. I can't decide if their cute or not but I guess I have to get one. I just dechicked my house. Everyone is fully feathered and out in the barn so if anyone has a showgirl hen fully feathered for sale, please let me know.
So for the last 8 hours I have been playing with this incubator that somehow showed up at my house today. I come on here and see egggggsssss mentioned! OMG OMG OMG eggs. Now I really need to go to bed so I can get there on time. This is one night I wish I was working the overnight, i'd get out at 7am and I work 10 mins down the street. ok, no more rambling I am going to bed. See you all in the am.

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