Chicken Townhouse

Looks good.
I like it. But how big is the coop itself? The run is certainly big enough. But if you have to keep them inside the coop it needs to be big enough so they won't get bored. Hang a head of cabbage and/or lettuce in there to let have something to peck at.
You did a great job on the build. It looks lovely. I agree with the previous poster, four to five seems like a good number to me. Especially if they'll be spending the occasional weekend in the coop.

I see what you mean about the footprint giving you 42sq.ft. of space, but to get at the usable space you'd need to subtract the square footage lost to nest boxes, the hole for the ramp and the space they can't access under the ramp, and the space taken up by their feeder and waterer.

What kind of bedding are you planning to use?
What I was going to do is put no glue linoleum that can be removed for cleaning on all areas top and bottom levels and then use pine shavings. What I like to do is rotate the nest bedding (that will get cleaned out every day of the big stuff) down to the bottom and then put fresh up top. I wanted to use the linoleum on the bottom because the scratch area (the bottom would be really hard to clean with the hardwire on the bottom that I installed for security.

Maybe I will put nest box on the outside??? I had just planed on putting a nest like a tote or something in the rear (the 3 x 3 area). From there I would have easy access from the back door to get eggs. I figured out the size panels I have, an old dog run. Run will consist of panels (6) @ 5', one has door and (2) @ 10'. Any configuration there of. Haven't got it all planed out. Today we will put he wheels on the bottom. I found small black tubs that mount to wall there are about 4" x 4" I am going to mount them on lower lever two on eather side of the back door (under nestbox area)for grit and calcium and one on door( that one will be 4" x 8" x 4" deep) for feed.
water will be against one of the side walls , or maybe hanging fromnear wall from top level?

So I was figureing that would be enought for 4 hens and 1 rooster( Dorkings)

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