Chicken tractors and rain


Apr 21, 2010
a little north of Columbus, GA
We built (well, I watched,) a 4x8 chicken tractor this weekend... it's still up on sawhorses so I can paint/seal it, but I wonder, what happens when it rains hard?

Part of it is covered, but the water will run everywhere. Do you generally provide a way for them to get up off the ground, or ?

The first inhabitants will be a hen and new chicks.

No. Mine just congregate under the covered section.

They're birds; they'll be fine.
As long as they have a place to get out of the rain (your covered section), they should do fine. My permanent runs all have roosts in them though, so I'd put one in a tractor too if I was building one. And be sure to place your tractor in areas that drain well...

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