Chicken Truck Accident Fayetteville, AR

Chances are that since the birds left containment and had the possibility of contracting something during freedom they were probably destroyed and not allowed to enter the food chain. When the wife worked at one of the big hog farms that is what they would do to escapees.
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Why would I want to rescue frozen birds LoL

I dont know we had a truck hauling containers of juice hit by a train when I was a kid, and we rescued a pickup truck full of Orange Juice, maybe the plan was to fill your freezer?????
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Why would I want to rescue frozen birds LoL

I dont know we had a truck hauling containers of juice hit by a train when I was a kid, and we rescued a pickup truck full of Orange Juice, maybe the plan was to fill your freezer?????

Well since I am a vegetarian, I don't think that would be a possiblity.

Animal services said that it was Tyson who sent out a crew to 'clean up' but that the chickens did go to processing....
But they get them often at the shelter so I will be contacted when ppl bring in escapees.
Well you could have SAVED some frozen chickens, and I would have traded you some Juice, maybe not since that was 30 years ago, but I would have taken your share of chicken.

Maybe we could wait for the Mushroom truck to tip, then we could have a party with the Survivors that we could all enjoy.
Poor birds??? Have you ever SEEN those chicken trucks?
The sooner those birds are dispatched the better! They are crammed in so tightly that most of them are dead or dying by the time they reach the plant. The ones that aren't, are the unlucky ones! It is horrible.
There was always a trail of feathers flying down the highway, and various legs, wings and heads sticking out through the bars where they were crammed in too tightly. It was disgusting. Occasionally, a lucky bird would escape (somehow!) and hang on to the top of the truck and get loose when they would slow down. Tyson's transport conditions are HORRENDOUS.
Once you see something like that, you will never forget it. And I am not an animal rights activist type person, but some things are just beyond cruel. The cattle and pigs that are transported are in much better conditions.

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we had a turkey truck overturn last wednesday. I heard it on the radio on the way to church. I debated with myself about going and seeing if there were any running about, but didn't. We went by the area a few days ago, and it was still littered with feathers.
I agree in part, the conditions are horrible, both living and transporting but 'dispatching' isn't necessarily better....just a means to an end for them. I prefer to rescue them rather than know they were killed but not all can be saved. I was just hoping some of these could be.
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