Chicken types affect behavior???


♪♫ Rockin' Rooster ♪♫
12 Years
Dec 21, 2007
Do Chicken types affect behavior???if so, then could anyone post what type acts how(mean, nice, etc.)
A lot depends on the individual chicken, but I think you'll find the information you want on BackYard Chickens' breeds page at the following

Also check the web sites of poultry sellers like Murray McMurray or My Pet Chicken. They include information on the general temperaments of the various breeds.


I'd say most chickens behavior reflects how you treat them.

If you ignore them or chase them around with a big stick - well they're gonna run from you, cower in the corner and/or be mean.

Now if you show up every day like clockwork with good food, treats and pick them up - cuddle them etc.. well they'll be lap-chickens! And come when you call!

I just got to step out my garage door and say CHICK CHICK and all hell breaks lose! They'll climb over EACH OTHER to get to me first.... I'm very popular around here.
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Our chickens are very friendly with us. We have 2 Black Sex Links and 4 Rhode Island Reds...all hens. They are in a coop and run and are spoiled rotten. They have a lot of fans that come by the farm to visit and bring them apples and pumpkins. We made a point of handling them (appropriately) from chick stage so they are really pets. In fact, they started out living in our bathroom in our village home. So they really are part of the family. There is one with a rather estranged disposition to the rest of the flock but she loves me and somehow has bonded to me. She isn't unfriendly to other people or the other hens, just kind of a loner. She has a bit of a crooked neck which a local chicken raiser said was not parasitic but probably she was either developed that way or was on the bottom of the huddle when they sleep as babies. She is healthy and despite her crooked neck (which is her name:) has made her way into life in the coop. She is not a pansy by any means. She has learned how to make her way. However, she seems to love me and that is fine. We are just getting started with chickens and these were literally pick of the barrel from the local Tractor Supply-like store. We had no idea what we were getting but we are educating ourselves as much as we can and just love them since we had no idea what a delight they can be and are. Good luck and enjoy!

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