Chicken unable to go poop! Standing still! Help!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Can someone please help? My favorite 8 month old Barred Rock wouldn't move this morning. I have brought her in the house. She keeps trying to go to the bathroom. The first couple times just a bit of white liquid. Now nothing is coming out. She seems like she feels so bad.
Has she been laying? I assume so.

She may have an issue either passing an egg or with her reproductive system. Soak her in tub of warm water, body temp, 98 degrees. Soak for awhile. Then, lube a finger and swirl it around, gently, in her vent. Don't go deep. You're looking for an egg or a broken egg. Hoping the very best for you.
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OK, I rubbed her butt with olive oil and massaged it. She layed out a wrinkled dried skin of an egg and pooped right after that. Now what??
Did you soak her in hot (100F) water? I'll assume so. This relaxes them and sometimes, the birds will pass that egg.

You've done about all you can, for now. Wait and see. She obviously had an egg laying difficulty and while we sure hope she'll be fine, the reality is that sometimes, this stuff happens again. Sometimes ascites, EYP, and other ovarian issues takes their lives. It is simply a part of keeping female birds, especially those bred to be rather high in production.

Let's all hope for the best.
She's resting comfortably now. She got a lot more energetic after and ate and drank and I put her outside and she ran around like she was fine. I'm going to watch her very closely. Thanks for all the help.
So, my hen was still acting a bit off and she didn't really have a full crop last night so I brought her in. This morning she has not pooped at all but layed what looked like an egg without any shell at all! She keeps opening and closing her beak.
So, my hen was still acting a bit off and she didn't really have a full crop last night so I brought her in. This morning she has not pooped at all but layed what looked like an egg without any shell at all! She keeps opening and closing her beak.

Read that article I suggested before, as it may lead you to some answers ... also, there's an excellent presentation about the anatomy of the chicken that you might wanna check out: >>peck here<< to open it's introduction in a new window.

If you look over the following list of symptoms, you can look up the possible causes:

Symptom ...
Possible Cause
Sudden severe drop ...
Newcastle disease; infectious bronchitis; laryngotracheitis;
influenza-A, mycotoxin, mismanagement (no lights, feed, or water)
Infectious coryza; fowl cholera; chronic respiratory diseases; diet
deficiencies; gizzard impaction; fowl pox; hepatitis; lice; mites;
ascarids; capillaria; lymphoid leukosis; coccidiosis; enteritis;
pullorum; fowl typhoid; aflatoxicosis; adenovirus infection; toxins
Egg wrinkled, depigmented... Necrotic enteritis; infectious bronchitis
Production pause... Epidemic tremor
Poor shell quality...
Newcastle disease; infectious bronchitis; adenovirus infection; diet
deficiency; T-2 fusariotoxin

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