Chicken unable to walk…

Hummingbird Meadows WA

In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2023
We have a chicken who can’t walk but can eat and drink when fed. I have checked her all over for injury to her leg and found nothing. She is currently in a dog crate to keep the other chickens from messing with her. She has probiotics in her water as well. They are in a fully enclosed large coop with no possibility of a predator getting to them. They do not free range. Our other 6 chickens are doing great! It doesn’t seem that she is egg bound either. She has laid an egg since we noticed this. The chickens are about 23 weeks old. We are at a loss and would love to bring her to someone if we need to! Thanks in advance!
What is your location and current weather? When precisely did this condition come on? Was it sudden or did she lose use of her legs gradually? If the latter, describe it.

Has she had exposure to mold or petroleum distillates? Any leaking machines sitting around? Has anyone been working on cars in the area the chickens go? How about a compost pile?

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