Chicken vomiting clear liquid


Oct 26, 2017
Hi there! My chicken today was acting lethargic. When I picked her up I noticed she was VERY under weight and she had Pooh built up on her feathers (nothing blocking her vent). I bathed her off and tried to feed her some tuna and mealworms. While eating the tuna, clear liquid came out. She was able to keep the mealworms down. Her crop doesn’t feel tough, though I’m not familiar with sour crop. Any suggestions on how to make her feel better? Also her comb is more relaxed and a lighter color than usual. I’d appreciate any help. Thank you so much!
Chickens do not vomit, so I would suspect the crop is impacted. To be sure, withhold food and water until tomorrow morning then check to see if the crop has emptied. But in the meantime I would def stop feeding her bc more than likely the food is just piling up in the crop - which will then ferment and turn into sour crop.
Chickens do not vomit, so I would suspect the crop is impacted. To be sure, withhold food and water until tomorrow morning then check to see if the crop has emptied. But in the meantime I would def stop feeding her bc more than likely the food is just piling up in the crop - which will then ferment and turn into sour crop.
Thank you so much!

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