Chicken walking drunk

Ok. It's fine, I can't post videos because I dont have Youtube. You have been very descriptive so I think we can invision how she is acting.
I’m sorry. She can walk and be fine for a little bit and scratch. And then she doesn’t fall but she leans hard. Like when you get up and your leg stops working and you go down before you can go up. But she does walk around and eat she wants too. I have to keep her away from stuff in the garage. She will run and hunch down if you tower like she would to a rooster. But that part is normal. She does try and sneak which is why I didn’t see a huge issue at first but it was worse yesterday she was sticking out her wing. But that was also outside in the cold. I’ve kept her in and warm. (Her belly is bare from molting). But she sleeps and rests a lot where outside she’d stay in one spot. She does get on and off the roosts by herself with no issues. And she does come down when I open the door. I do have a camera in there so I can check on the heat and her. I do that every few hours.
Is it anything like this?

That is my RIR Maggie. It is not the worst of it but some bits I caught on video to show the vet.
Maggie seems to be recovering although not out of the woods yet as her crop is now not emptying properly so something is going on.
One possible diagnosis is vitamin and mineral deficiency because she goes off commercial feed when she molts.
I have been giving her vitamin and mineral supplements. The other possible causes are things like Marek’s or some kind of tumor which I can’t do anything about so I treated what I could.
Very similar but not near as bad. My hen does not jump she gradually bends down and then stands up. She also can keep her balance while standing g
This is what I have for probiotics.

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