Chicken walks backwards a few steps while swaying head back and forth

I am starting to think that this is most likely. Right off the bat the behavior seems like either a neurological issue or mental issue. She is always getting picked on and she's always so frantic compared to the others. She can move around to 10 different spots looking for grain instead of just pecking what's in front of her like all the other chickens do.

Thank you, fortunately I do not think the symptoms I am seeing are a result of gapeworms. I'll keep a look out though.

I will get some photos today. The birds are molting right now in general, but I'll have to get back to ya. I'll try to record the motion to show you and maybe it can help others. Thank you I will check out the "Poultry Cell"!
I have a RIR that does something similar. I think she has been taking dance lessons. As she makes a "box" like a waltz. But she lowers her head in a cowering manner. She is low in the pecking order, and her sister likes to jump on her because she thinks she's a rooster. The sister that is. She is not I've seen her lay and egg and no crowing.

My bird will walk backwards for a couple of steps then make a 90 degree turn and 2 steps back and so on till she's back to the beginning. Does it once or twice and that's it.

ETA: I have another WLH who I think has absence seizures. She will stare off into space at nothing. She seemed totally zoned out for about a minute or so. Then she snaps out of it and looks bewildered for a few seconds.

Edited for a couple of typos.
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Thanks everyone, I tried to get a video today but after filming for 5 minutes she decided to do it RIGHT AFTER I STOPPED RECORDING. I think she must be fine, she is not in any pain and it is not often. I will keep an eye on her to make sure it doesn't get worse and if it does I will be back with video.
Thanks everyone, I tried to get a video today but after filming for 5 minutes she decided to do it RIGHT AFTER I STOPPED RECORDING. I think she must be fine, she is not in any pain and it is not often. I will keep an eye on her to make sure it doesn't get worse and if it does I will be back with video.

If it is neurological she'll probably continue to do it on and off, could go days without doing it and then start up again, but as long as she's eating and drinking without issue, and otherwise not showing additional signs of distress or problem, I wouldn't worry about it.

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