Chicken was attacked and has a wound


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 18, 2014
Hi everyone I am new to BYC. My chicken was attacked by a hawk I am assuming. She has a horrible wound on the back of her head. A huge chunk of meat was taken. I can't sew it up cause there is no skin left. I called our local Farm store and they told me to put triple antibiotic on it. I have her secluded and she seems to be drinking, eating and surprising enough even laying eggs. I have showed her to other friends raising chickens and they have never seen a wound that bad. Is there anything else I could do for her?
Chickens are incredibly resilient and recover from some seemingly horrific wounds - your job is to prevent infection and give your girl what she needs so she can repair her body -- rest, good nutrition, hydration and more rest. You'll be amazed at how quickly she can heal.
Thanks. I feel for her. She seems to still have an appetite. There is a tendon or something exposed in the wound and when she eats I can see it move. Can a wound that size heal over?
Welcome to BYC. I agree with Ol Grey Mare in that chickens can recover from some really bad wounds. The key is that she is alert, and going about being a chicken. Watch for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, pus, or a foul odor. I have had a couple of birds practically scalped by roosters, and they have regrown feathers within a month. Keep using the antibiotic ointment until you see some healing, than use iodine or BluKote to dry it up. Good luck with your hen.
She is doing well so far. I have been putting the triple anitbiotic on it and she still has been eating.

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