Chicken wheezing LOUD

K. My girl is still doing fine. Hasn't been a repeat.

She was trying to lay an egg for a bit before she 'wheezed' so I went and soaked her, lubed her egg dispenser, and soothed her for a bit. She may have layed one, there were too many to know for sure. She tried again today to lay an egg and as far as I can see she failed. She coulda popped it out in the yard (free range day) but I don't think so. We'll see if the straining induces another bout of wheeze.

This girl tho is the one I drained about a month ago. She had a little over a cup of yellow fluid in her belly.
K.  My girl is still doing fine.  Hasn't been a repeat.

She was trying to lay an egg for a bit before she 'wheezed' so I went and soaked her, lubed her egg dispenser, and soothed her for a bit.  She may have layed one, there were too many to know for sure. She tried again today to lay an egg and as far as I can see she failed.  She coulda popped it out in the yard (free range day) but I don't think so.  We'll see if the straining induces another bout of wheeze.

This girl tho is the one I drained about a month ago. She had a little over a cup of yellow fluid in her belly.

Poor girl. I hope you are able to keep her healthy. Moms hen, Blackie, has yet to wheeze again. Sounds like shes back to normal. Shes still queen of the flock and has laid eggs every day since the wheezing incident. Guess shes just dramatic
What you describe sounds like infectious bronchitis.The primary symptoms are wheezing,coughing,difficulty breathing ,and reduced egg production.There is no known treatment,but a humidifier or neutralizer(NOT a steam vaporizer) can help.Mortality rate is high.Isolate the infected chickens immediately.Dispose of any bodies.When the outbreak has passed,consult a veterinarian on vaccinating your flock against this disease.
Just a quick update for anyone else who has this issue. Blackie has yet to have another issue and the rest of the flock remained healthy. I believe she just stuck her head somewhere it didn't belong and hurt her neck. Thanks for all the help!
My pullet EE started the same thing this afternoon. I isolated her and tonight she is roosting fine and no wheezing. I'm still verry worried. I only have 3, all just 27 weeks. This morning they were raising a ruckus and maybe she did something then. They are from McMurray and I thought they vaccinated all their chickens. My vet friend called in an rx for me to pick up tomorrow. Still worried about my little girl.
My pullet EE started the same thing this afternoon. I isolated her and tonight she is roosting fine and no wheezing. I'm still verry worried. I only have 3, all just 27 weeks. This morning they were raising a ruckus and maybe she did something then. They are from McMurray and I thought they vaccinated all their chickens. My vet friend called in an rx for me to pick up tomorrow. Still worried about my little girl.

Wheezing can somerimes be mistaken for stridor--a loud wheezy sound they can make if they get a small piece of food in their airway. It may stop within a short time if the food is coughed up and the airway is cleared. If you are not seeing other signs of illness such as watery eyes, nasal drainage, or sneezing, then I would not medicate her. No hatchery vaccinates for anything unless you have ordered them, and the Mareks or cocci vaccines will not protect against a respiratory disease.

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