chicken wire is evil!

I was going to suggest stapling it good to a big long 2x4, then pulling. I'm not planning to use any chicken wire in my new coop and run though.
I wish you did too
That should be patented and sold at all farm and feed stores out there!
You could try stapling one side the go to the other and use vice grips to pull it tight. Start in the middle and work your way one way then the other. I never have any help around so this seems to work pretty good for me, stays pretty straight. Hope I explained it well enough so you could understand.
As long as it's secure along the boards to which you're stapling it, why does it matter if it's tight? I know it looks better, but does it really matter functionally, if it's tight?
One of the benefits of being over 40 is that your eyesight is shot and things look much better!!! (Smoother, cleaner, what smudges?)

We're choosing to ignore those darn ripples in the hardware cloth - who knew it wasn't square?
We have a treated wood 1x3 board that is about 6 feet long.

We took 2.5 inch deck screws and screwed them in until they were all the way through the board and the heads flush.

We used screws about 6 inches or so apart.

You put the board with the screws into the chicken wire and pull the whole thing tight.

I still have the board in the nursery. If you all want a pic of it I will get it on here asap.

ok so heres the trick. i used to do masonry and stucco work. in the stucco field you use chicken wire as your main surface for the stucco to cling to. however it must be tight. so heres how you get it there. you take a claw hammer and put the chickenwire in between the claws. then twist. it tight. do this several places until it is where u want it you can bounce things off of it after this method it is so tight. if you dont get what im saying let me know ill try to take some pics to demonstrate if need be. but basically like i said it is put wire between hammer claws and twist round aand round till tight. in sevveral places and instead of making it ugly like ud think it kind of gives it a flower effect hahaha. hope this helps.
hmmm that hammer trick sounds interesting. we may give it a try! thanks everyone for the ideas. my poor steven is going mad with it! hes somewhat of a the one who said so what if its a little droopy! he will appreciate the help tho thanks again!
i run a steel rod through and pull the rod with a small pulley and rope assembly. once you have it tight fasten it. you can then use the hammer trick ( i use a needle nose plier ) to slowly put a small bend along the length of the wire in the areas where it's loose. you are effectively shortening the wire by putting a slight bend in it. this also works on welded wire very well.

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