Chicken with a limp

One of my chickens started limping and acting funny the other day. She puts some pressure on it but not a lot at all. She still is roosting on the high roosts with the others and eating and drinking. No loose wing either. What could it be? and what can I do to help? I posted a picture and video below.
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hi - thnx for pic - today she's not walkg at all and kind of lists to one side or the other--can't get up, I think. My chicken guru came by last nite and said separate her which I have. She's now close to kitchen. I tried to hydrate her and she did take some water and put a small corn on cob and she's been pecking at that; haven't noticed kibble which I ground a bit. But there is NO sign of anything wrong. my friend said she may die bcz of not eating enuf!!!
I know yours is a hen but this could apply for you too. Just put the dowel in the front for support. She was doing the exact same thing as your video.

A week ago we had the same problem with our duck. She was limping really bad and her ankle was swollen. I went and used some sports wrap and put a short dowel alongside the leg. I had to play with it a bit the first few hours, but after about 4 days I was able to take it off and she is getting around fine with a slight limp.

She must have strained her ankle somehow as she couldn't put pressure to my hand like she could with the other foot. It didn't appear broken but she could barely put any weight on it.

First we'd put the dowel in the front but it looked like it would hurt her as it was pressing right on top of the webbing, but she was able to hobble around with it there.

I put it to the side and she was back to not walking on it. I tried it in the back and she would only step backwards on it and I think it was because she felt she was tipping over?

So I returned to it pressing against her webbing and she kept hobbling around again. It might have been causing discomfort but it gave her the stability to be able to get around. I took it off 2 days ago and you now can barely tell she was ever limping!

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