Chicken with bad infection on mouth/face (was Vitamin B complex injectable dosage for chicken)

I've done a quick search for others that have used this product but can't find a dosage.

What did you read that makes you think this vitamin will help?
Does she have scabs on any other part of her body? Did the ge mention cancer as possibility?
She doesn't have those scabs anywhere else. Just in her face. It started with one side at the beak. I thought it was canker. I have treated her for that and it didn't go away. It has since spread onto the other side of the face. One eye developed a big pus filled scab that never healed even with antibiotics from the vet. It eventually was too heavy for the bottom eye lid to support (the scab was quite heavy because of the pus) it eventually dried half way and fell off. It seems to be eating at the skin.
More please!
Is it only on this one side?
Originally it started at the corner of the beak. It was one sided for a few months. It has since spread onto the other side. I am looking for the best pictures to post. Sorry it's taking so long. The scab that formed at the corner of her beak looked like a pus sheet of paper. Thin and rubbery. It wouldn't come out. She fell ill and i had to tube feed her for a solid month, she wouldn't touch food or stand up. But had no issues standing if needed be. She's in good health now. Her feces look perfect. She drinks, but won't touch her good feed. She loves scratch grains. It's the only thing she will eat out of a 100 different items i have offered her. I am simply trying to find an answer to the dosage of the vitamin b complex injectable for a chicken. So i can check that of my list. I cannot tube feed her or touch/open her mouth in any way, the scab has made her beak so weak and thin/fleshed, any kind of force will make it rip again and she may bleed to death this time.


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