Chicken with bad infection on mouth/face (was Vitamin B complex injectable dosage for chicken)

Did the vet do any lab work? What drugs were tried? What tests were done?
The two vets she went to both did a skin scrape test and her current vet did a pus smear as well. She said she couldn't find anyting and prescibed her sulfa-Trimethoprim suspension, which didn't help. The first vet "suspected" a bacterial infection and injected her with convenia. Which didn't do anything either.
I personally have tried
Dura Pen Injectable for antibiotics
Metronidazole 20% powder for canker
Iodine & gentian violet topical for fungus
clotrimazole cream on her
Neem oil
Oragano infused coconut oil, internal as well as externally applied
ivermectin pour on/ and oral paste for internal or possible non visible external parasites. Vet did an Ivomec injection as well.
Nutri Drench and Rooster Booster Vitamins in her drinking water (she's rather picky and won't drink treated water)
4in1 powder that treats coccidiosis,canker,e.coli, paratyphoid
and a few other things i cannot think of. I made sure every treatment had its respective treatment period and she had ample of resting periods without treatments, so her body had the chance to rest and wasn't over treated.
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B complex tablets are fine to crush and add to feed. Many people also use nutritional yeast as well. I would use 1/4 of a tablet per bird. It is not accurate, but B complex is usually excreted in the kidneys.
I use nutritional yeast flakes for all my animals. She will however not touch them. I tried hiding them in feed, tried it on her favorite thing to eat which is thawed corn. She will eat that anytime i offer it, with nutritional yeast, she won't touch them. I have not given her scratch grains or corn for two days now and can't tube feed either. She refuses scrambled or hardboiled eggs or anyting i offer. She will eat the corn and scratch grains in a heart beat. They both have no nutritional value whatsoever, so i am trying to get her to eat fermented, or plain mash of crumble or flock booster pellets. She will not touch anything :(
I read that pantothenic acid deficiency as well as a biotin deficiency can cause those scabs. So i am trying to see if the injectable b complex could help her either with regaining her appetite for other things, or help with the scabs.
I read that Covenia is not recommended for use in birds because of the incredibly short 1/2 life. I think this is mentioned in one of the two links I posted.

Anyway, sounds like you've tried a things. Can you try giving the rooster booster orally instead of in he water?

If your vitamin bottle is like mine, and you were to follow the max dose of 5 ml/100 pounds, you could probably give her 0.25 ml very safely. Use of this drug in poultry is not documented, so that's why I'm hesitant to say "oh, just give x". I personally have used it in a few at 0.25 ml per pound.
Simply because i cannot open her mouth in any way without her beak ripping all the way to the back. And why not injectable? It's an easy way to administer vitamins/ meds to a sick bird that won't eat or drink?

Not criticizing. Just asking. Sounds like B vitamins would be a worth while treatment. She looks absolutely miserable. IM or SC?
I've done a quick search for others that have used this product but can't find a dosage.

What did you read that makes you think this vitamin will help?
Poultry DVM has a "symptom checker"
These three possibilities popped
Pantothenic acid
fowl pox
I know it Cannot be fowl pox. Not for 10 months. She's been outside with other birds as well. No one else has this going on. And now her immune system is so weak, i put her outside two days ago, after being in isolation in the house for 4 months. I went out to open her coop and she sat on the ground with goopy eye. So in the house she is again...
She gets probiotics in her water, but i am not really sure they're doing anything.
She gets chick grit with added probiotics as well. I want to try those injectable vitamins.

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