Chicken with injured vent, plucked tail, and vent gleet?


Apr 30, 2022
It seems that my chickens got in a fight with one of my barred rocks (Dominique?) yesterday and they plucked it's tail and pecked at her vent. I washed it's tail and vent indirectly (I used warm water and soap and poured it one it's wounds). I brought it inside and today there is still some white liquid coming from it's vent. I think it may be vent gleet but I'm unsure how I should treat it due to it's vent being injured. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
It seems that my chickens got in a fight with one of my barred rocks (Dominique?) yesterday and they plucked it's tail and pecked at her vent. I washed it's tail and vent indirectly (I used warm water and soap and poured it one it's wounds). I brought it inside and today there is still some white liquid coming from it's vent. I think it may be vent gleet but I'm unsure how I should treat it due to it's vent being injured. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am sorry you are going through this. I am here for advice on how to wash a chickens butt!! Do you just do the bottom half of her, and, how do you rinse?! If shes all wet, isnt she just gonna get all nasty, or do i dry her too? Sorry, didnt mean to hijack your post. Hopefully someone answers you soon. In the meantime, i need to do research on chick anatomy! Good luck ninjagamer
I am sorry you are going through this. I am here for advice on how to wash a chickens butt!! Do you just do the bottom half of her, and, how do you rinse?! If shes all wet, isnt she just gonna get all nasty, or do i dry her too? Sorry, didnt mean to hijack your post. Hopefully someone answers you soon. In the meantime, i need to do research on chick anatomy! Good luck ninjagamer
Is this a chick or adult chicken and does it have an injured vent (bottom)? If it's not injured and you need to clean it for reasons like pasty butt on a chick then what I did (pls note I'm no expert an just got chicks this year but I have dealt with this) is under warm water (if it's a chick what I did was place in under warm water in the bathroom sink trying my best to only wet it's bottom. Note that it will get very wet underneath so I will need dried). Then while it's bottom is in the warm water I VERY CAREFULLY rub at the stuff I'm trying to get off, if it doesn't come off let it run under the water for a moment and/or get a wet cloth and hold it and against the spot to let it soak). Then what I did is get a dry cloth and dry it off the best I could, then put it under a heat lamp. IF you are doing this for a adult you can fill a cup or something with warm water and use it like it's a sink. Then dry it off with a cloth and I've heard people recommend a hair dryer on the coolest setting to finish drying.

If it's for a chick/chicken with an injured vent/bottom, I am not sure. What I did is fill an empty gallon water bottle with warm soapy (dawn soap) water and poured it on it's bottom and then rinsed it with warm water. Then I dried everywhere but the injury with a cloth.... I don't know if that is good or not sadly.

I hope this info was of use to you.
I'm sorry to hear this. I helped out with one of my neighbor's hens which had an infection in the same area. We couldn't save her. It's hard losing a bird.
I'm sorry to hear this. I helped out with one of my neighbor's hens which had an infection in the same area. We couldn't save her. It's hard losing a bird.
I agree. I haven't seen evidence of them attacking each other in that way lately so I hope it stays that way. Sorry about you neighbors hen.....
I agree. I haven't seen evidence of them attacking each other in that way lately so I hope it stays that way. Sorry about you neighbors hen.....
Thank you. It was a long time ago, but these experiences don't totally fade.

I'm glad to hear that there haven't been any more attacks like that amongst your birds. They really do have their pecking order though, don't they? :)
Thank you. It was a long time ago, but these experiences don't totally fade.

I'm glad to hear that there haven't been any more attacks like that amongst your birds. They really do have their pecking order though, don't they? :)
Agreed and no kidding. I've noticed the ones we raised as babies and hatched are nicer to each other than ones we got as partially and fully feathered.

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