Chicken with one Swollen eye


9 Years
May 10, 2012
So ive got a hen that I realized about 2-3 months ago that has one eye that seems to be very swollen.
But her eye is still wide open, she eats heaps and acts normal.
This is only one side of her face so I thought something might of got stuck but then today I saw some brownish stuff around her nose on that one side, so I thought she might have sinusitis or some other infection.
And before you go and blabble about separating her from the others, she has had this for over 2 months, and that's when I noticed it.
So it isnt contagious.

Any suggestions? Here are some pictures from my old thread:
Swollen side:

Non Swollen side:

You can see the difference here...
1st Suggestion: Don't start out askin' folks for their advice by suggesting they not 'blabble' anything you might not wanna hear ... just 'cause it hasn't visibly spread to others w/in your flock doesn't mean it ain't contagious (it's almost certainly bacterial, and almost certainly is).

2nd Suggestion: Can't believe I'm gonna send anybody out to buy VetRx, when you could make 2 gallons for what they charge for 2 ounces, but ... not suggesting this to be any eye worm, but for it's treatment they suggest dipping a cotton swab into warm VetRx and pressing it slowly into the cleft of the upper beak, watching for the VetRx to come out of the corners of the beak, and pus from the corners of the bird's eyes. Seems likely that this would also work for that pocket of [insert name of bacteria here] that's under her eye. Follow that up by applying a warm solution of it to her head, and under her wings, so that she breathes the vapors, most esp. while she sleeps.

VetRx contains 3.3% Alcohol U.S.P. and Canada Balsam, Camphor, Oil Origanum, Oil Rosemary, blended in a corn oil base. I did seem to help my dog, and I have used it on a few of my birds. And, I just rubbed a bit of it into my mustache and beard, to help break up the congestion in my chest. Eh ... maybe it is worth the eight bucks ~'-)

3rd Suggestion: Give your entire flock an astringent solution of four teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar per gallon of water (but not in galvanized metal containers), which helps to 'cut through' the mucus and other coatings in their mouths, throats and intestines, helping them to more easily expel it, and everything it contains. This improves nutrient/vitamin uptake as well, and boosts their immune systems. And, it's cheaper than good dirt.
Thanks for the advice.
Thing is those photos were taken a month ago and her eye still looks the exact same, ill try give them some apple cider in their water later.
hmmm, thats how my chickens eye started out with the slight brown nose on the same side. Thought maybe she was pecked in the eye, but other chickens started sneezing & looked up ilnesses with puffy eye & sneezing & there are alot of diseases with a puffy eye. It is often a swelling of the ssinus cavity. Brought my chicken to vet & the puffy eye was from mycoplasma. They can recover, but will always be carriers. Hope thats not what it is, but the vet manuals on this site are a good reference for illnesses with puffy eye.
Thanks for the advice.
Thing is those photos were taken a month ago and her eye still looks the exact same, ill try give them some apple cider in their water later.

No problem ... possibly a secondary bacterial infection, resulting from somethin' else ... those unknown causes always worry me a bit. I've also been sprain' surfaces/equipment (and the birds once in a while) w/ a stronger solution of water and white vinegar, in the hopes of prevention ...
yup if not cure it will go away but very slow it may DI#....
cause when it start it has runney nose then the eye n dang it just get nasty..
or u could try to get the white puss out cause i had the same problme... i got the white puss thing out n it clear out...
cause when it eye swollen there is this white solid puss in there n it stank when it eye is puss n it got runney nose lol
just my advice to try if u r soft disrepect
Just a little follow up, its been over a year now and the eye still looks the exact same.
Though a few months ago it did swell right up over her eye for about 2 weeks, I was so tempted to burst it for her sake, but it ended up going down.

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