Chicken With Part of Egg Stuck.


12 Years
May 31, 2007

My golden comet hen (9 months old) just laid a yolk, and when I looked at her vent it looked as if part of the egg--an unhardened shell- was not able to pass. I was able to gently remove some of it, but part of it is still stuck and it looks as if she may be partially prolapsed (see pictures). Now obviously she didn't get enough calcium so I can resolve that going forward, but what do I need to do now to make sure she is okay. Am going to try and epsom salt bath to see if that helps, but any other recs. would be appreciated.
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Hopefully she will pass the egg membrane with the warm soak in the Epsom salts bath. Oldtimers say to massage the lower abdomen as well. You can try to gently remove the egg membrane if it will come out. Once that she has the membrane passed, you can push her prolapse back in and hold it for a few minutes. You could give her half a Tums or human calcium tablet daily for several days.

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