Chicken with pasty butt! Need help with antibiotics dosage!

Heres what you need to do. Pictures showing how severe it would be would help a lot. Grab the baby chick gently, being careful not to stress it out. Take a soft cloth with warm, not hot, water and rub in a circular motion carefully breaking up the poop. Do not pull or tug as it can rip out feathers. many things can cause pasty butt, such as the feed, stress, incorrect brooder temp and dehydration. Was she shipped to you? Act promptly on treating her as she will die if you wait
lol, not a baby chick in this situation
And sense i wasnt 100% because they didnt say the age, in the start of the message i said “for baby chicks” so they knew thats how you treat a baby chick with pasty butt.
They didnt specify age in the start of their thread. Pasty butt is usually reffered to in chicks, so i assumed it was. I already know now as the OP already informed me a few posts ago, in which i replied with a different answer.
I see.
Any chance you could link to your thread about pasty butt in chicks? i’m dealing with some right now and it might be helpful.

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