Chicken With Swollen Eye


Jul 7, 2022

So we recently started seeing this hen's eye start swelling, and it's gotten worse. We have done a warm water compress on her, and I've used a dropper and put quite a few drops of colloidal silver in her eye today and yesterday. I think the foamy bubbles in her eye started today, and I saw some posts that showed MG or a sickness. I'm still not quite sure as to what it is. She still eats and drinks. She is isolated from the others in a crate with her own food and water. If it is a sickness, is there any preventative treatments I can do for her and the flock? Also natural remedies and treatment would be preferred, but I will use whatever will help.
Bubbles can often indicate respiratory disease like Mycoplasma. Have you had any other birds with similar symptoms in the past?

General care would be to flush the eye with saline, press out pus/remove bubbles and apply an eye ointment like Terramycin twice a day. Pus will not dry up on it's own, so if you see any, then it will need to be removed.
Tylan/Tylosin, Tetracyclines and Tiamulin are some of the more common antibiotics used to treat symptoms of MG.
Bubbles can often indicate respiratory disease like Mycoplasma. Have you had any other birds with similar symptoms in the past?

General care would be to flush the eye with saline, press out pus/remove bubbles and apply an eye ointment like Terramycin twice a day. Pus will not dry up on it's own, so if you see any, then it will need to be removed.
Tylan/Tylosin, Tetracyclines and Tiamulin are some of the more common antibiotics used to treat symptoms of MG.
We haven't had any eye problems or symptoms like that before now. Does the eye ointment go directly in the eye, or just around the eyelid? (Just want to make sure)

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