Chicken with totally bare back....what should I do?


8 Years
Mar 9, 2014
I just went out to feed my chickens this evening and noticed that one of them was in the nesting box. Her back (at least I think it's a hen) looked funny so I took her out and saw that almost all of the feathers on her back are gone. When I went to put her back in the box, one of the hens on top pecked at her. I believe this is my youngest one who is only about 5 or 6 months old. I have one hen out in the coop in a cage because she had limp neck and couldn't walk. I'm just trying to get her accepted out there before turning her loose. What should I do about the featherless one? I have a set up where I could bring her in the house but we'll be heading south in about 3 weeks. Will her feathers grow back? Should I get the Blue Kote stuff to try to "hide" her nakedness? I'm in Michigan and it's snowing right now....sigh.....hate winters up here. I"m worried she'll get cold. Laugh....could crochet her a little coat but then I'm sure they would pick on her because she is getting special treatment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Oh....I have Buff Orpingtons and this one is the sole survivor of a group that I hatched out.
I have 2 roosters that are brothers. I think I need to find them a home. She wasn't bare at all yesterday. Will she be okay during the winter with no feathers??
I'm actually wondering if "she" is really a "he". The posture reminds me of the boys but it's still kind of young. Is there a "good" way to tell? I guess I could put the two known roosters in the crate and let the current resident out with the other girls.
Are its neck feather pointed like hackle feathers or its tail feather pointed like sickle feathers? F you post a picture we could
Give you a better clue.
I'll try to get a picture tomorrow in the daylight. I guess I'll put her in quarantine tonight and see what happens tomorrow when I get home from work. Poor kid.
I had the same thing occur with one of my hens. She is my roosters fovorite and at the time I had no idea there was such a thing as a chicken saddle. It took about a week of her wearing it to see the pins coming in but she is doing much better now. Like Chicken Canoe said, they may not grow back until molt. I read that once the feathers are broken (as opposed to pulled/plucked) they won't grow back until molt. I ordered mine from Amazon with next day shipping and could tell this was going to be her saving grace. It was awkward at first but she got over it before days end. I'll try and post some before, during and after photos. Good luck!







I forgot to mention that the saddle/apron comes in 5 sizes and 2 types, single strap and double strap. I bought one of each and found the single strap to be the easiest and most tolerated of the two. I purchased the large (small and medium are for bantams) and couldn't believe how well it fit as it looked so tiny in the package.

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