Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

My flock on average are 70 days old. There are 12 of them and at night they huddle out side the hen house and I have to pick each one up every night to put to bed about 9pm. They aren’t afraid of the house. It’s completely predator proof and they go in and out all day long. They are getting heavy and I don’t know how to get them to go in by themselves.
Put a light in your hen house to get the girls in at night. You can use an LED bulb for summertime without heating up the hen house. Replace the bulb with a red incandescent bulb (40-60 watts) in the winter time when it gets cold. This will heat the hen house nicely when it's below freezing without providing too much light and still let the girls sleep.

When I had chickens I had 2 funky birds (silver spitz) that would roost in the trees, could never get the two of them in the chicken coop, they roosted on top of the fence with the turkeys during the winter months.

My flock on average are 70 days old. There are 12 of them and at night they huddle out side the hen house and I have to pick each one up every night to put to bed about 9pm. They aren’t afraid of the house. It’s completely predator proof and they go in and out all day long. They are getting heavy and I don’t know how to get them to go in by themselves.
I think your coop is perfect just as it is. Sometimes I have a few new chicks that have to be "taught" to go in at night. I go out just at dusk when they would be thinking of going in and help them find the door. DON"T pick them up and carry, they just wake up in a new place and don't learn anything. You have to herd, or shoo them into the coop and shut the door for the night. A few nights of making them responsible for themselves and they will get the message. Also, I only feed/water inside the coop, year round so they know that is where they belong. When they are out to free range I prop the door open and now all I have to do is go take a quick count to be sure all are in and shut the door. Works for me, hope it helps you too!
Typically, chickens will go in to roost on their own when it starts getting dark (dusk). Just as a rooster knows to start crowing at dawn, chickens instinctively know to head in when it starts getting dark.
I think mine are 2nd shift night owls. My coop is 2/5th closed & 3/5th open fencing. I have a fully enclosed run & an open air run. If I'm outside my 3 girls will stay out in the open air area till well after dark just tooling around. I have lights on in the coop. When they do roost, 1 goes inside the closed side & 2 roost in the open side(they don't go in by themselves). I herd them in but can't close them in the closed area cuz the opening between the 2 is about 3ft wide floor to ceiling(I know i need a taller coop but this has to work for now). I feel they should all be in the closed side at night (not sure why w/ the opening almost 1/2 the wall both sides are just as safe). Does anyone think they should be in the closed wall side? Your thoughts/ suggestions are greatly appreciated. 20200611_234737_HDR.jpg For ventilation there is the open wall, 3 3in vent holes & a 6x18 mesh window. The only thing that would be a drawback is the low overhead. They can jump up just fine w/ room to stand up on the roost bar. Sorry for the long reply.
Is there a door on the coop? I see a ramp in the photos, do you shut them in at night and let them out in the morning?
They need a routine I think.
Me? 20200614_204419_HDR.jpg no, I removed a few boards to make the opening wider for more air flow (& a fan). Had a screen covering the door when it was narrower. The entire coop is 6x10 (closed wall side is 4x6, open is 6x6) the fully enclosed run is around the coop and is approximately 10x 20ish

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