Chicken won’t go in hen house at night

Do you have a light in the coop. If not try putting a small red light in the coop. If it hot use a LED light. Just male sure it’s red. White light is hard on their eyes. Chickens can’t see in the dark so they won’t go into a dark coop. Good luck :)
Lock them in coop long before dark or don’t let them out at all for several days. They will then get in the habit of finding a place inside on their own to sleep. I don’t let new pullets out of the coop for 10 days. Your coop is large enough to do it. You just need to get them into a new habit. I had a terrible broody chicken. NEVER saw her not sitting on the eggs. I locked her out of coop during day for 3 days and she now happily spends her days outside with the rest of the flock.
My flock on average are 70 days old. There are 12 of them and at night they huddle out side the hen house and I have to pick each one up every night to put to bed about 9pm. They aren’t afraid of the house. It’s completely predator proof and they go in and out all day long. They are getting heavy and I don’t know how to get them to go in by themselves.
Yes first couple nights pick them up at dusk walk them in. They will get it. Put water outside incase they dont get in..have food water inside always.
I put treats in mine just before sundown to lure them in... only had to do it a couple times... get them in there before they settle down. Also they look like they like that little roost... got another similar inside? Good luck and happy chicken whispering 😍
My flock on average are 70 days old. There are 12 of them and at night they huddle out side the hen house and I have to pick each one up every night to put to bed about 9pm. They aren’t afraid of the house. It’s completely predator proof and they go in and out all day long. They are getting heavy and I don’t know how to get them to go in by themselves.
Could be the coop is too hot. I'm in Northeast Florida and it has been quite hot here, even at night. My girls have been roosting on the roof of the coop. It's ok because the coop is fully inside a predator proof pen.
I put treats in mine just before sundown to lure them in... only had to do it a couple times... get them in there before they settle down. Also they look like they like that little roost... got another similar inside? Good luck and happy chicken whispering 😍
tea thank you there is 3 roosts inside on the right of the pop door.
I'm not a chicken whisperer, either, but

This is what I did from the beginning. After they graduated from the baby box I put them in a "dog crate" inside the coop. I let them out of the crate and they stayed inside the coop until I was able to get fencing up. As my avatar shows, I have a door in front, which is blocked at bottom with wood. The sides go up and down (up at night). Once the fencing was up I left the coop door wide open so they can go back in there anytime (if they're scared they all run back inside, or when it rains). Between 8-8:30 they all start working their way back inside and onto their roost. One time they were all outside because they were excited about something, so I did have to herd them inside.

They are able to see outside of the top half of the door. I thought that was important for them to at least be able to see a little bit. Maybe it's too dark for yours to see inside?
i seem to hear a lot about ventilation and dark ness . theese are two great possibilities. i will add another vent on the opposite side and maybe around the top to let in more light . thanks
i seem to hear a lot about ventilation and dark ness . theese are two great possibilities. i will add another vent on the opposite side and maybe around the top to let in more light . thanks
When I have the sides up on the coop, there is still space for air and light to get through there. I read that when it's cold, the chickens shouldn't be near a draft. I plan on putting the red heat lamp in there during the winter nights.

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