Chicken won't/can't use 1 leg

Roxy S

Dec 20, 2023
Ok this has been 5 weeks from the 1st issue. November 15th I treated my girl for bumble foot on her right (if you are lookin from behind) foot. I caught it early and recovery went well, about 1 week and all cleared and healed. However about 5 days after treating the bumble she had this sore area on the other leg show up. It was gooing out a greenish yellow discharge. I brought her in soaked her and applied veterycin, triple antibiotic ointment, and then gauze and a wrap. 2 weeks later it looked much better and she was putting some weight back on it. Then yesterday she went back to how she was acting in the beginning of this leg issue!
She is so skinny right now but eats. I've been giving her vitamins (rooster booster). She doesn't have worms (seriously I have inspected so much chicken poop in the last 5 weeks!) They've been treated for mites (may do another round), and just started Corid as I had a hen just pass from what I believe was cocci. None of my other hens (2 other now) have showed any symptoms of anything. I should also add she had really long twisted nails that we've trimmed down.

The lifted scales are from the beginning, the other picture was from about 2 weeks ago when she was using it. Also bottom of that foot just to make sure I'm not missing something. Poop picture to show it looks normal (assuming greener from the rooster booster vitamins) and lastly how little she uses it when standing to eat this morning.


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Is the foot that is wrapped the one that is the problem? Can you post a current picture of her leg? I would repeat the process that worked before as it seems like it helped. The oozing sounds like something, but I can't quite put a name to it. Tagging @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive , as they might be better at diagnosing this and can help more with treatment.
My hen that just died had the symptoms of cocci so I am treating my flock to be safe. Should I stop rooster booster b12 then?

Change dressing and clean daily. I stopped wrapping once it looked healed.. I'll get a picture when I change it today. It's the wrapped leg I am referring to. Where usually will do a float?
Thanks for the help!
Photos of the leg that had the green yellow discharge? Is it the one wrapped? Get photos when you change the dressing today.

How often do you change the wrappings?

Most of the time you cannot see worms in the poop - if you do, then the bird has a severe overload. Worms live in the intestines so you won't see them. A fecal float will give you information as to whether you need to deworm or not.

Corid is to treat Coccidiosis. What symptoms do you see? The medication won't hurt them if you do treat them.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
Is the foot that is wrapped the one that is the problem? Can you post a current picture of her leg? I would repeat the process that worked before as it seems like it helped. The oozing sounds like something, but I can't quite put a name to it. Tagging @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive , as they might be better at diagnosing this and can help more with treatment.
Yes the wrapped one. I will take one today when I change dressing.
Thank you. I will give her another soak tomorrow. She loves her spa days thankfully :) the discharge has subsided just wish her leg would heal enough for her to use. It shakes so bad when she tries.
Thanks again. In almost 4 years this is the 1st time having a chicken need help (this year I've had a water belly chicken pass and then my one from cocci the other day! And another for no apparent reason, it's been a frustrating year since June!)
Ok this has been 5 weeks from the 1st issue. November 15th I treated my girl for bumble foot on her right (if you are lookin from behind) foot. I caught it early and recovery went well, about 1 week and all cleared and healed. However about 5 days after treating the bumble she had this sore area on the other leg show up. It was gooing out a greenish yellow discharge. I brought her in soaked her and applied veterycin, triple antibiotic ointment, and then gauze and a wrap. 2 weeks later it looked much better and she was putting some weight back on it. Then yesterday she went back to how she was acting in the beginning of this leg issue!
Photos of the leg that had the green yellow discharge? Is it the one wrapped? Get photos when you change the dressing today.

How often do you change the wrappings?
She doesn't have worms (seriously I have inspected so much chicken poop in the last 5 weeks!) They've been treated for mites (may do another round), and just started Corid as I had a hen just pass from what I believe was cocci.
Most of the time you cannot see worms in the poop - if you do, then the bird has a severe overload. Worms live in the intestines so you won't see them. A fecal float will give you information as to whether you need to deworm or not.

Corid is to treat Coccidiosis. What symptoms do you see? The medication won't hurt them if you do treat them.
Liquid Corid dose is 2tsp or Powdered Corid Dose is 1 1/2tsp per gallon of water given for 5-7 days as the only source of drinking water.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
My hen that just died had the symptoms of cocci so I am treating my flock to be safe. Should I stop rooster booster b12 then?

Change dressing and clean daily. I stopped wrapping once it looked healed.. I'll get a picture when I change it today. It's the wrapped leg I am referring to. Where usually will do a float?
Thanks for the help!
Is it B12 only? If so, then you can still give that as a direct dose if you wish. B12 is Cobalamin.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.
My hen that just died had the symptoms of cocci so I am treating my flock to be safe. Should I stop rooster booster b12 then?

Change dressing and clean daily. I stopped wrapping once it looked healed.. I'll get a picture when I change it today. It's the wrapped leg I am referring to. Where usually will do a float?
Thanks for the help!
Photos from today. The green/yellow discharge has been cleared for a bit (the day I took the lifted scales pic in the original post was the discharge I cleaned her up and wrapped it that day)


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Looks like it may have been injured. Having a discharge is not ideal. Do you notice an odor?

I'd soak the leg in Chlorhexidine or Povidine Iodine. You can apply a very thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment to the wound, then wrap it. Change daily.

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