chicken wont eat


6 Years
Oct 7, 2013
south africa
Veteran Silky hen was attacked by my dog. Her feathers in the neck were pulled out, but she drinks well. But wont eat. Otherwise she seems ok. Wud be glad of suggestions so she will start eating. Many thnks.
I'm sorry about your hen and the dog attack. She may just be in shock. If you read the story of my hen attacked by a fox (link in my signature), it may give you some hope. My hen was attacked by a fox and didn't move, eat or drink on her own for 3 days due to shock. I finally encouraged her to start eating by offering her a raw egg. She didn't eat much of it but after that she did start to move around on her own. That was 16 months ago and she is still going strong now.
Welcome to BYC
Sorry to hear about your hen. There is a tip I got here, but haven't tried myself, that may help. Boil some corn, preferably sweet corn, and offer the hen the water you boiled the corn in, after it cooled down. The taste of the corn in the water is said to get their appetites going. Best of luck!
If she is in shock she needs a dark, quiet, warm place(or box) to recover in. Housedogs seem to maim and kill more chickens than wild predators.
We had a girl that got attacked by a Bobcat and wouldn't eat on her own. She was getting very weak so we wrapped her in a towel, mixed her feed with some water so we could roll it into little balls. One of us would hold her and the other would pry open her beak and feed her. Once it was in her mouth, she would swallow, but for a week, she would not eat voluntarily. We isolated her from the other hens, but in a coop that was close to them so they could still see her. When she seemed lonely, we would take one of teh nicer hens and put them in the little coop with her to keep her company. She started eating on her own again, and after a couple weeks we were able to reintegrate her with the flock.Good luck.
This could be an injury to her craw. I had one like this years back. I put a cup of yogurt to 1/2 cup cooked rice, and blended it in an electric blender. I then added a splash of water to make it soft like a milk shake. I then took a syringe and injected a little at a time inside her mouth. She resisted me, but after a few meals, she started perking up and later recovered.
I am most grateful for yr many suggestions. (Silky hen that isnt eating after attack...) shall do what u all suggested until have results.thank you

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