Hello everyone. This is my first post after recently joining and aquiring two SLW. I'm new to raising chickens and found this forum to be very helpful. I've read posts about other chickens not letting others into the coop but I'm having the opposite problem.
Both our SLW are too young to determine sex, but the more dominant of the two will not let the other roam in the run. Every time she(we think) try's to come out of the coop to roam the other (which we still believe is a girl) chases her right back inside or pecks her feathers and dominates the run.
Is this normal behavior? Part of establishing a pecking order? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Both our SLW are too young to determine sex, but the more dominant of the two will not let the other roam in the run. Every time she(we think) try's to come out of the coop to roam the other (which we still believe is a girl) chases her right back inside or pecks her feathers and dominates the run.
Is this normal behavior? Part of establishing a pecking order? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!