chicken4prez's chat thread! Chicken lovers welcome!!

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Quote:Awwwwww......thank you VERY much! You are so sweet!
I am always willing to answer as many questions as people throw at me (provided I know them
), so don't feel bad.

Actually, we just got 24 chicks in March of this year and they're quickly becoming adults now.
Prepare yourself, 'cause there are a lot of breeds to list! 4 EEs, 4 Isbars, 3 Mille Fleur d'Uccles, 3 LF Wyandottes in different color varieties, 2 LF true Ameraucanas, 2 bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas, 2 bantam Silver Penciled Wyandottes, 2 Porcelain d'Uccles, 2 bantam BB Red Phoenixes, 2 bantam Salmon Faverolles, 2 bantam Black Rosecombs, 2 Egyptian Fayoumis, 2 Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, 2 Cream Legbars, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 White Rock, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Welsummer, 1 Black Copper Marans, 1 Blue Splash Marans, 1 Black Sumatra, 1 Buckeye, 1 Barnevelder/Welsummer, 1 Olive Egger, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg, 1 Sicilian Buttercup, 1 Golden Campine, 1 Speckled Sussex, and 1 White Rock. That's not including 6 ducks: 3 Mallards, a Khaki Campbell, a Cayuga, and a Blue Runner. We've also rehomed 3 ducks and 3 chickens recently to make room for the new little ones (don't worry, they weren't pet birds like the rest)
We're busy!

I actually don't have a chat thread of my own yet, but I've been considering creating one.
Hope I did a good job answering your questions!

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Quote:Awwwwww......thank you VERY much! You are so sweet!
I am always willing to answer as many questions as people throw at me (provided I know them
), so don't feel bad.

Actually, we just got 24 chicks in March of this year and they're quickly becoming adults now.
Prepare yourself, 'cause there are a lot of breeds to list! 4 EEs, 4 Isbars, 3 Mille Fleur d'Uccles, 3 LF Wyandottes in different color varieties, 2 LF true Ameraucanas, 2 bantam Wheaten Ameraucanas, 2 bantam Silver Penciled Wyandottes, 2 Porcelain d'Uccles, 2 bantam BB Red Phoenixes, 2 bantam Salmon Faverolles, 2 bantam Black Rosecombs, 2 Egyptian Fayoumis, 2 Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, 2 Cream Legbars, 2 Barred Rocks, 1 White Rock, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Welsummer, 1 Black Copper Marans, 1 Blue Splash Marans, 1 Black Sumatra, 1 Buckeye, 1 Barnevelder/Welsummer, 1 Olive Egger, 1 Silver Spangled Hamburg, 1 Sicilian Buttercup, 1 Golden Campine, 1 Speckled Sussex, and 1 White Rock. That's not including 6 ducks: 3 Mallards, a Khaki Campbell, a Cayuga, and a Blue Runner. We've also rehomed 3 ducks and 3 chickens recently to make room for the new little ones (don't worry, they weren't pet birds like the rest)
We're busy!

I actually don't have a chat thread of my own yet, but I've been considering creating one.
Hope I did a good job answering your questions!

Wow!!!thats a lot of birds!!right now I have 5 hens and a male And a female duck,I mean,I love my ducks,but,I'm not getting any more,ther to messy,and,I can't keep the big water in the coop at night I have to put a small one,cause the ducks get the hay all wet.anyway,the breeds that I keep are,well,ones I use to keep:eek:ne bantam(she was small and cute)a EE,a RIR,and 3 barred rocks,that were my first flock,but here's the story:red,the RIR,she had feathers,she was out side(just to let you know this was a long time ago)and so was I,but then a few mins later,I didn't see her,and then I found her dead,in the grass,I don't know what killed her,so I burred her,(2 weeks later)every body was out (rain the EE,rock,Bea and live the BRs,and speckies the bantam)I went inside for a min.come back out I here this noises and I run around the corner,thinking to my self,what's going on,then I get ther,every body's gone,then after hours of looking I find,Bea live and speckies,(a few years later)I lost my bantam to a sickness,(several yrs later)I get a new batch of chicks:2EES,1SLW,1BR,and 2 austerlops,thay grew up,and I lost sunshine a EE,then I lost live to old age,and then I lost Gwen,the SLW,to a hawk,well,now you know the story,yup,it's sad but now you know how I got my chickens.i love your real name by the way,how do you pernonce it?like a-Marie-ie or a -Marie-a,but with a I instead of a a
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Ok I knew what BYC stood for but I just wanted to know if it was was anything special (like golden feather membership)! Thanks!
10 Facts About You
1. You're reading this right now.
2. You're realizing these are stupid facts.
4. You didn't realize I skipped 3.
5. You're checking that now.
6. You're smiling.
7. You're still reading this even though it's stupid.
9. You didn't realize I skipped 8.
10. You're checking that now and smiling at how you fell for it again.
11. You're enjoying this.
12. You forgot there was only supposed to be 10 facts.

So good!

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