chickens and Bees


11 Years
May 14, 2008
This might be the place for this question. Can I put a couple of bee hives in my 30 by 24 fenced in run with 23 chickens or am I asking for trouble?? reason being then I'd only have to electrify one fence instead of two seperate areas. Wouldn't care if some bees did get eatin and I could set the top of the hives up so the chickens couldn't use it to perch on. Just wondering if it's been done with success or are there too many problems. thanks, Keystonepaul
I can't help there, but I know my chickens have been eating the mud wasps that come out of the ground in our yard. I'm unsure if anyone has been stung as they are HUGE wasps. I have witness them getting caught out of midair. You'd have to ask if you want to risk that.
I have the exact opposite experience. My hives are within 20' of the door of the coop, and the girls free range in front of it all the time - and they don't pay the bees the slightest attention. There are many of my fellow beeks over on who have had the same experience. Chickens and bees are a great combination in the yard.
I am just grateful to read that there are still bees out there.

We only have the Africanized ones and they haven't done the best job at pollinating our fruit trees or garden.

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