Chickens and Family infested with Red and Black mites

Supposedly the DE is not effective when it gets wet and it is rather wet inside a chicken so I really don't think you have any concerns with the DE. The DE is run through the intestinal tract, and the egg is not formed there so they are not together. I tried the DE and did not see that it did any good so I don't bother any more.
DE is harmless and i do not know if it gets "in" the eggs. i eat mine, and im pretty sure everyone who uses DE with their hens eats theirs, its not a chemical.

My hens all perch in one spot together as well, but they don't always "perch", sometimes they sleep on the floor of the coop.

You said you live in Anaheim? is this Anaheim, CA? I used to go to a place in Lakewood, CA called Blacksmith's Corner Feed off the 91 fwy. If you dont live in Anaheim, CA then i can't help much :)
Yea Anaheim CA West side. :0) I will look the business up and see where they are. Give them a jingle and see what their inventory is.
DE work as an intestinal worm deterrent, but it's not effective if the animals already has worms. I use DE every time I clean the coop or add a layer of bedding (in the winter I use the deep litter method and add a layer of hay every week or so). I always make sure the nesting boxes and corners are well dusted (that's where the mites are normally the worse).

DE is not a chemical and you can eat the eggs and chickens when using it. I've always had to special order DE because I couldn't find anyone that sells food grade DE around where I lived. I love the stuff and use it as a mite and fly deterrent both in my chicken coop and in my animal's stalls.
After searching BYC and the web I have decided to tell and then ask.

I have 4 chickens around 6 months old. (1 is a silkie) I also have 3 2.5 month old chicks (2 are silkies).

I treated all of the chickens with a All Natural Spray yesterday. I sprayed the coop and nesting boxes top to bottom. I put dust down in the run, flower beds and dirt areas in my yard.
After the chickens dried I could still see live mites crawling on the chickens.
I have not treated my grass, house, dogs, indoor bird, kids or adults. I woke up last night with the mites crawling on my face, in my hair and on my body. And I swear they were crawling in my nose last night. They are in my bed!!!??? We all showered after cleaning yesterday.
So today I am doing bedding and any clothing not in drawers. I vacuum every day... Ok Maybe 6 times a week. What else do I need to do to get rid of these disgusting little vermits that are invading my territory?

Thank you for speedy comments. Please use simple wording and directions for me. I have small children and have a hard time sitting down to read anything that takes much brain power with 3 kids saying Mom, screaming, demanding something....
We had a really bad infestation, and they got into our house too......we had to get rid of the wooden coop, and replaced it for a plastic on (really good no where for them to hide) but we still had them in there, but it is so easy to can hose it down...We used Ardap spray, (look it up on the Internet, most Chicken suppliers sell it) it is amazing....we also used Frontling ( yes the stuff you use for cats, we used one vile for five chickens, use it like you would on your cat...A chicken breeded recommended this to us, it is good an works really quick, we tried absolutely everything and they still came back a week later till we used Ardap and Frontline. I had the mites in my hair, and we found them in the house, but we used Ardap in the house to and this worked, If you have them in your hair, they do bite you and will give you a red rash (like red lumps)....really gross. To get rid of them there (I know this sounds mad, but it worked) I put a cololur on my hair...this killed all of them...Any Oil you put on your body will kill them too.....I hope this has helped, we are mite free....but you have to keep on top of it... in this warm weather they will come back- Happy Mite Killing - regards Marianne
Use sevin dust
I thought I had a real bug on my monitor too. Had to laugh. Sometimes I get a real bug on my monitor.
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Supposedly the DE is not effective when it gets wet and it is rather wet inside a chicken so I really don't think you have any concerns with the DE. The DE is run through the intestinal tract, and the egg is not formed there so they are not together. I tried the DE and did not see that it did any good so I don't bother any more.


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