Chickens and Quail

I,too would be very interested to hear some opinions about this.I hope to acquire some quail soon and would like to keep them for meat and eggs.My chicken coop and runs are about 30 feet from my house and the the set-up for my future quail is a 4foot by 5foot rabbit hutch style coop next to my porch.Good idea or bad?
My chickens live right next to my Bob's. My chickens range also.I'm not telling you to do it but I do it. I have 3 quail pens & two chicken coops. It's been a year now & all is well. Here's my chicken checking on the quail.
this is an age old question, many issue arise from it, as i've heard you can keep them close enough(i wouldn't have them more then 10 feet) the main issue you want is to control poop transfer

no chicken poop in quail city
I keep mine about 50 yards away but my chickens do freerange, that being said I keep my quail in elevated cages so there is no way they can get into chicken poop, however the chickens do occasionally get under the quail to try to eat the seeds and stuff they drop, I try to keep the door to the quail shed shut but the lil buggers know there is "candy" on the floor lol

I havn't had any issues thus far but I do hear that its worse if the quail eat the chicken poop than vice versa

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