Chickens and Snow

Do your chickens like snow?

  • They hate it.

    Votes: 18 37.5%
  • They love it!

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • They are hardened northerners. While they aren't thrilled, they deal like the rest of us.

    Votes: 26 54.2%

  • Total voters


5 Years
May 2, 2018
Still new to keeping chickens, but we got eight back in March and they are thriving! Given how short and cold the days are now, I keep expecting them to stop laying - but they don't seem to be slowing down much yet.

The other night we got about 6 inches of snow. I wasn't sure how my girls would react the following morning, so I decided to take some pictures as they came out of the coop. This was the result:

final cluck.gif

Don't mind my lame humor ;)

They immediately turned around and went back in! haha

So, yeah, they were wildly unimpressed and wouldn't go off the porch for a few days until the snow melted down.

Will they ever start to like it, or will they forever despise?
Still new to keeping chickens, but we got eight back in March and they are thriving! Given how short and cold the days are now, I keep expecting them to stop laying - but they don't seem to be slowing down much yet.

The other night we got about 6 inches of snow. I wasn't sure how my girls would react the following morning, so I decided to take some pictures as they came out of the coop. This was the result:

View attachment 1595097

Don't mind my lame humor ;)

They immediately turned around and went back in! haha

So, yeah, they were wildly unimpressed and wouldn't go off the porch for a few days until the snow melted down.

Will they ever start to like it, or will they forever despise?
Ha!! We put down straw so they can walk on it and keep their feet off the extreme cold..we woke up to 5 degrees this a.m. and my girls are out there scratching away (I'm still in by the fire..better get to feeding). Happy Winter!
Ha!! We put down straw so they can walk on it and keep their feet off the extreme cold..we woke up to 5 degrees this a.m. and my girls are out there scratching away (I'm still in by the fire..better get to feeding). Happy Winter!

Do your chickens not just eat all of the straw? I accidentally left a straw broom out in the run for a week and came back to a nub! I just use pine shavings.
Still new to keeping chickens, but we got eight back in March and they are thriving! Given how short and cold the days are now, I keep expecting them to stop laying - but they don't seem to be slowing down much yet.

The other night we got about 6 inches of snow. I wasn't sure how my girls would react the following morning, so I decided to take some pictures as they came out of the coop. This was the result:

View attachment 1595097

Don't mind my lame humor ;)

They immediately turned around and went back in! haha

So, yeah, they were wildly unimpressed and wouldn't go off the porch for a few days until the snow melted down.

Will they ever start to like it, or will they forever despise?
My one rooster doesn’t dislike the snow but he isn’t making snow angels either. He isn’t afraid of the snow like my other roo. If my brave roo goes out then about 30 ish hens will follow. In my experience if one chicken is braver then the others will follow suit
It Snowed here too,my hens will walk on it to get somewere but need spots to stand on that does not have snow.
My one hen walks on it in a vary funny way.

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