Chickens and Their Hilarious Personalities

Can i say i LOVE this thread ☺️
They all are so unique.

My flock queen Belle (blk aus) glides around like a duchess. She tends to arrive last at gatherings snd sort of regally floats through everyone to see whats up. Shes never a bully, which is odd. I never see her peck anyone anymore - maybe half a dozen times months ago when they were all about 4-5 mos old . Will even let our omegas eat with her. Yet - she is queen. Just her charisma i guess!

Ruby (rir) is a talker. Runs to us, chatters away. She also turns into hackles raised, wings up dino scream raptor if she sees a rabbit, cat or squirrel. They run. I would too. Ruby also likes to be carried to bed by my hub. (Tough life eh?)

Reba (rir) ALSO does the dino scream. Like a buckeye rooster. Shes LOUD. I heard the noise one day and asked hub if he had by chance bought an emu or something. (Is that a RIR thing?)

Puma (blk JG) is an explorer. My Indiana jones. First to go to a new place. We named her that bc she is FAST. She lowers her head to run and takes off, bobs and weaves through obstacles.

Wobbles is my blk JG who survived botulism. Tough girl. Has completely forgiven us for all the treatment she needed. She has weird feet, the inner toes joint backwards. I think shes on the path to opposable thumbs ....😹 she is a talker too, and looks right into yr eyes and bwaks away.

Melba (blk aus) is shy. Loves my hub to death. The other one that finds my hub at bedtime and squats to be carried 😂
Can i say i LOVE this thread ☺️
They all are so unique.

My flock queen Belle (blk aus) glides around like a duchess. She tends to arrive last at gatherings snd sort of regally floats through everyone to see whats up. Shes never a bully, which is odd. I never see her peck anyone anymore - maybe half a dozen times months ago when they were all about 4-5 mos old . Will even let our omegas eat with her. Yet - she is queen. Just her charisma i guess!

Ruby (rir) is a talker. Runs to us, chatters away. She also turns into hackles raised, wings up dino scream raptor if she sees a rabbit, cat or squirrel. They run. I would too. Ruby also likes to be carried to bed by my hub. (Tough life eh?)

Reba (rir) ALSO does the dino scream. Like a buckeye rooster. Shes LOUD. I heard the noise one day and asked hub if he had by chance bought an emu or something. (Is that a RIR thing?)

Puma (blk JG) is an explorer. My Indiana jones. First to go to a new place. We named her that bc she is FAST. She lowers her head to run and takes off, bobs and weaves through obstacles.

Wobbles is my blk JG who survived botulism. Tough girl. Has completely forgiven us for all the treatment she needed. She has weird feet, the inner toes joint backwards. I think shes on the path to opposable thumbs ....😹 she is a talker too, and looks right into yr eyes and bwaks away.

Melba (blk aus) is shy. Loves my hub to death. The other one that finds my hub at bedtime and squats to be carried 😂
Very cute 😂❤️ I love talkative birds. I love sitting with them and listening to their funny little chatter. Daisy is my most vocal hen. Always follows me around. She just likes to be included in whatever I’m doing lol. Shoveling some dirt in the yard? She’s there to help, although she tends to hinder more than help. But she is too cute for me to shoo her away. Sometimes if I have to do a chore outside, I sneak out the door hoping she won’t hear me so I can go get my chore done without her hovering around my feet😂 but somehow she always knows I’m there and comes dinosaur running from the other side of the yard. I love her little noises she makes. Always sounds inquisitive, watching whatever I’m doing, like “this looks fun, what are you doing, include me!” Lol.
I was sitting in bed doing homework and I had the window to my room open because it is unusually warm here today. Outside i hear this incessant “crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch” of leaves. I ignore it, thinking it is just a squirrel. For the next several minutes all I hear is “crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch”. Frustrated, I throw off the covers and leap out of bed to the window, looking outside. My poor Easter egger Sofia was so startled by seeing me that she jumped up with a squawk and flew probably 5 feet towards the coop
. Don’t you just love chickens sometimes?
Very cute 😂❤️ I love talkative birds. I love sitting with them and listening to their funny little chatter. Daisy is my most vocal hen. Always follows me around. She just likes to be included in whatever I’m doing lol. Shoveling some dirt in the yard? She’s there to help, although she tends to hinder more than help. But she is too cute for me to shoo her away. Sometimes if I have to do a chore outside, I sneak out the door hoping she won’t hear me so I can go get my chore done without her hovering around my feet😂 but somehow she always knows I’m there and comes dinosaur running from the other side of the yard. I love her little noises she makes. Always sounds inquisitive, watching whatever I’m doing, like “this looks fun, what are you doing, include me!” Lol.
😂Lol yes!!! The avian version of I HALP!
Ahhh, I too love this thread! I think the unique personalities of chickens is the biggest surprise and joy I have discovered about them! I had never owned or been around chickens until this year and had no idea they were so fabulous. I get SO much joy just watching them be chickens!

One of my chickens, a Welsummer pullet my husband named Brad (RIP Brad :(), became the defacto Mom to my 4 baby bantam chicks even though they were all the same age. They followed her everywhere from day 1 and she treated them like her children. They were dubbed the Brad Pack and I just loved watching the squatty little cochins waddle around and follow her. When they would get separated, Brad would call for them and they would come running and cheeping to her. It was seriously the cutest thing. We miss Brad so very much, she was just the best little momma pullet.

I have two self-blue Ameraucanas that I just learned are cockerels at 5.5 months when one finally crowed at me. Fluff and Puff are the most personable chickens in my flock. Since they were little, they both love to sit with me and get snuggles and pets. Puff has flown from the ground up onto my shoulders to ride around with me and he will lay like a baby in my arms and sleep while I watch football. Fluff is a big baby and at the slightest thing that is scary or if a pullet is mean to him, he will start honking and run to me and hide on my shoulder while honking. It's hilarious! :D Knowing now that they are both boys, I find it even funnier :D Because they're siblings and both boys, they like to challenge each other (mainly because they can't challenge anyone else hahaha) and one of my English Orpingtons, Elinor Dashwood will come running over and get between them and break up their little fight like a mother scolding her kids. I love it every time! I swear if she could talk she'd be saying, "for the last time, will you two quit bickering and find something better to do?!" haha.

And then there is my Blue Copper Marans pullet, Newbell. She is my complainer. When I come outside, I can hear her start her dinosaur noises and as I get closer to the coop they get louder and louder. When I give them treats, she wanders around complaining and making dino noises because she is low enough in the pecking order that she gets aced out a lot. And when she manages to get a special find she will run around frantically with it, dino noises loud and extra complain-y, trying to find somewhere to eat it before it's stolen from her hahaha. She also is the only one to square up thru the fence with our dog and chase him along the fence! Not even my rooster has done that hahaha. She's so entertaining and loud. :D

I had no idea how much I was missing out on, not having chickens in my life. I just LOVE them :love
I love their names ❤️😂 my girls are obsessed with bags, empty ones too for some reason. My smallest hen, Tiny, has an obsession with anything plastic. She will just make happy sounds and scratch on any empty bag left on the ground until someone takes it from her. If left long enough, she will just decide to sit on it. She does the same thing with towels. Silly chickie, I could just sit and watch her do weird things all day. Very entertaining lol.
I have a hen named tiny too! Except she’s big.:oops: Didn’t expect that!
I just needed to share this story from today.
A week ago, I watched my smallest hen grab some green thing twice the size of her head and sprint away with it. I caught up with her in time to watch her literally swallow an adult praying mantis whole. It was still alive when she did it, and I was blown away she swallowed the thing as it was HUGE compared to her beak. When they’re determined to keep their prize away from the rest of the flock, I guess they can swallow just about anything!

Today, I saw the same thing happen. Except this time my hen Daisy grabbed a praying mantis and I was fast enough to snatch it from her. They’re rare insects, and I’d never even seen one in my yard, let alone TWO in the same week. So I figured perhaps they’re breeding in the wood pile or something. And I thought I’d give this one a chance at life. Well, my hen was pissed at me for stealing her delicious treat. I propped the insect up on the side of the run door to see if it was still okay and able to move around. If it was injured, I’d give it back to my hen who was sprinting circles around my legs. But it seemed fine, able to walk, and was doing that horribly creepy thing they do where it stares right at you with its arms up and its freaky mouth wide open. I should’ve snapped a picture, but my phone was in the house. Anyway, Daisy is vengeful at this point. She’s running around my feet like she’s trying to trip me, and staring right up at my face while she’s doing it. She saw an opportunity to get closer to the mantis by jumping up on our food storage bin. But she still couldn’t get to it, despite her efforts. She was out for blood though. As soon as I turned my back on her, she reeled up and bit me HARD directly on my butt cheek. She knew what she was doing 😂 She even left a mark lol. Made me yelp in surprise. And I turn around and she’s just staring at me expectantly. As if she was saying “hey give that back!”. She’s so bossy and determined to get what she wants. She cracks me up every day. I gave her some meal worms as compensation for my theft. And released the praying mantis in a nearby tree to give it a chance.
I just love how chickens all have individual personalities. Daisy is very unique amongst the other girls. She knows what she wants and will work hard for it! When I’m carrying food around, she weaves between my legs as if she’s trying to trip me. And she will jump up on anything to get closer to me and stare right at my face. I swear she’s sassy and she knows it. She has determination unlike any hen I’ve owned lol. She also loves to jump up on my lap and lay down for a nap every chance she gets. She’s both bossy and cuddly. I’ve got so many stories about her. I love her to pieces.

My question for the community is, do you have any hens that exhibit behaviors that set them apart from the rest? Perhaps that seem more intelligent than you’d expect a chicken to be? Or just any cute / funny personality traits? I love reading about other’s beloved birds. ❤️
What a character! My first chick to be named was also a Daisy. She stood out because she was the first of 8 flying up to the top of the gallon waterer. She also was the darkest of my ISA browns. RIP she was raccoon'd last month.
Gertrude (RIP 2 weeks ago) was a Welsummer whose tail never stood upright, and was a slower in developing. Many here thought she had a pooping issue. Her silhouette was more like a female turkey. She always was near where I was and had this sweet, soft vocalization as if to be asking if she could join me outside of the run.
Then there is Cinnamon. She is my happy wanderer/Lewis and Clark, forging new frontiers whenever I let them free range. Have to always go hunting for her and will not come when the treat bottle is rattled.
Alpha (BSL), is the smallest, loudest, surprise. Got her and 5 others at point of lay. She has always been skittish and fast, but will loudly cackle and fly toward the gate as if she is excited to see me, and flies up to the roost to get closer if I'm on that side of the run. Still won't let me touch her, though.

Can't wait to see how the chicks I am wanting to get in May will turn out be.

Is it chicken football, or rugby when they loudly race around with a goodie playing keep away? So funny to watch, not so funny when one steals others' medicated piece of bread. I've learned to have lots of decoy pieces to throw.
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I call it chicken politics, all their antics. If I had known how much fun chickens were I would have got some years ago!!! Even my horses are entertained by them!
IKR?! My horses are so tolersnt of my poor mare reached out to sniff my hen, and poor Mango thought she was being attacked with that giant nose in her face, and grabbed ahold of of the tender velvety skin on her nose. Ebony jerked back and snorted so loud. She hasn't sniffed a chicken again lol. My hen Mango figured out that when its snowy outside that people's boots are much warmer than the ground. She is also very photogenic. She loves to hang around people since she is out casted from the rest of the flock :(
Spying on me scooping horse grain

Trying to take a selfie with my new chicks I got in April....found out I had an attention hogger!
The cayuga Gus Gus was comforting Margaret the pekin.


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What a character! My first chick to be named was also a Daisy. She stood out because she was the first of 8 flying up to the top of the gallon waterer. She also was the darkest of my ISA browns. RIP she was raccoon'd last month.
Gertrude (RIP 2 weeks ago) was a Welsummer whose tail never stood upright, and was a slower in developing. Many here thought she had a pooping issue. Her silhouette was more like a female turkey. She always was near where I was and had this sweet, soft vocalization as if to be asking if she could join me outside of the run.
Then there is Cinnamon. She is my happy wanderer/Lewis and Clark, forging new frontiers whenever I let them free range. Have to always go hunting for her and will not come when the treat bottle is rattled.
Alpha (BSL), is the smallest, loudest, surprise. Got her and 5 others at point of lay. She has always been skittish and fast, but will loudly cackle and fly toward the gate as if she is excited to see me, and flies up to the roost to get closer if I'm on that side of the run. Still won't let me touch her, though.

Can't wait to see how the chicks I am wanting to get in May will turn out be.

Is it chicken football, or rugby when they loudly race around with a goodie playing keep away? So funny to watch, not so funny when one steals others' medicated piece of bread. I've learned to have lots of decoy pieces to throw.
Very cute lol. Also I didn’t know there was a name for their “keep away” game 😂 both chicken football and chicken rugby sound cute though

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