Chickens and turkeys in Maine

Hello all,
Hubby and I have been raising chickens for 2 years. We were very excited to get our chickens through a Maine winter without a loss.
We decided to buy an incubator and hatched out 10 chicks. We also decided to try our incubator on turkey hatching eggs.
We have had some success with turkey hatching and now need to start building a turkey shelter. Luckily we have the room.
I sell my chicken eggs and hope to next year sell some turkey eggs.
We learn a ton from internet sites and I wanted to join this forum to learn form others with much more experience than I.
I look forward to reading and learning from you all.
Welcome a fellow Mainah! This here is the best place for info 😊 look forward to pics and discussions! :welcome
Hello from the Western Mountains of Maine. Wish I could raise lobsters. It would be a delicious adventure. I thank you for your warm welcome and look forward to your knowledge and support.
I know nothing about lobsters, except that if you add butter and lemon, they are delicious 😋. I’m not sure if they make good pets. :gig

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