Chickens are very sick, Please help! ( Up Date! )

Can you be more specific about how long you tried each medication? Swelling of the face usually means mycoplasma (or CRD), and if there is a fowl odor and pus, it may be coryza. But respiratory infections usually have eye drainage, nasal secretions that may be thick, and sometimes coughing or rattles. If you are having a recurrance, you should contact your state vet to get tested to see what is affecting them. Many people would cull for these carrier diseases, but to treat them, Tylan50 injections is the usual treatment. If you are dealing with coryza, I would cull, but the drug sulfadimethoxine or DiMethox can be used. It is similar to Sulmet which you have already used as well.
Can you advise a brand of antibiotics? This has been going on for a while, but none of the meds that I've tried have worked.
If you really think that antibiotics are going to solve the problem you could try Baytril, but I think you should have a culture done on the sickest one to make sure it is a bacteria and not a virus.

Since you have used so many different drugs I would suggest that you look through this list of diseases to match up your symptoms. After this length of time and with using all of those expensive drugs to treat, I would want to get one tested.
I tried Tylan 50 for two weeks. Took a one week brake, then did it for another 2 weeks. I had them tested, and it wasn't mycoplasma. No drainage, puss, etc. just slight swelling around the eyes. Tried duramycin and sulmet for 5 days each ( not together) I'm at a loss. I know the swelling isn't that noticeable, but the reason why I am worried is because my neighbor has chickens that have more swollen faces, but they also have trouble eating because it is so hard for them to breathe. My chickens are STARTING to show signs of this, when they eat crumbles, they will gasp for air, and sneeze a lot, but only when they eat dry feed... Tell me if you want more pics, and thank you so much for trying to help
I tried Tylan 50 for two weeks. Took a one week brake, then did it for another 2 weeks. I had them tested, and it wasn't mycoplasma. No drainage, puss, etc. just slight swelling around the eyes. Tried duramycin and sulmet for 5 days each ( not together) I'm at a loss. I know the swelling isn't that noticeable, but the reason why I am worried is because my neighbor has chickens that have more swollen faces, but they also have trouble eating because it is so hard for them to breathe. My chickens are STARTING to show signs of this, when they eat crumbles, they will gasp for air, and sneeze a lot, but only when they eat dry feed... Tell me if you want more pics, and thank you so much for trying to help
Are you the one that posted a long time ago about having Marek's?

I would seek advise from a vet, just because as others have stated, it could be one of many things. It could be bacterial or viral, but whatever it is, it is affecting the whole flock.

I also noticed the barred rock was the worse, hope you solve it soon. I personally couldn't recommend a specific antibiotic because I just started keeping poultry nearly a year ago & we have never had any problems.

Sorry I couldn't be of more use
I didn't study at all hardly about poultry at college.

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