Chickens arent allowed in Forest Grove, OR?

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Not sure if this has been brought up already?

But in the UK you can challenge the "not permitted to keep poultry clause" by classifing them pets.

Your case is even stronger if you have names for them all, spend lots of time with them and only keep a relatively small flock.

But the cat population in your area sounds like a really bad problem, perhaps you could contact your local animal health/welfare office and complain about all of the strays, they might then send someone to investigate and collect them.

We don't really suffer from stray animals as such here because there are such strict controls on owning animals in our "police state".

Most pets must be microchipped have an identification colar and be registered with a local vet.

At least they have abolished the dog license - what a stupid idea that was. Having a dog license didn't make people any more of a responisble pet owner, just like having a drivers license doesn't make drivers any more responisble!
I have a feeling that your neighbor is Bluffing about talking to the neighbors. I think you should go talk to them yourself and mention what she told you. I think she is crazy to think the cat would be better off in a feral colony than the shelter. annoying can 3 chickens be? Also, if she takes in all the strays, I would be worried about rabies.
My advice is to stay cool. Even though she is wrong, you must remember she is as passionate about the cat as you about your chickens. She did offer to relocate it to a feral colony. I would hold her at her word on that. But in the meantime, do your homework. Learn the ordinances regarding chickens AND cats. There may be no statues on record on how many cats anyone can have but I am betting there are laws regarding them having rabies shots.
Be very vigilant about the cats entering your property and give her some time to trap and relocate if only in an effort to de-escalate the problem. If it remains a problem, then speak to the neighbors and see if the cats or chickens are a nuisance. If the laws are on your side, it matters not how many signatures she has (which I am willing to bet is a bluff). Neighborhood warfare is stressful so before engaging know your stuff!!!!!!
Reading the Codes, they only mention dogs. You need to look at the zoning regulations. You can go to the city offices if you can't find them on line. You don't have to tell them why you are looking at them. As far as I can see, Forest Grove seems more concerned about the kinds of trees you plant then about keeping chickens.
I think most people are right, that you should lie low and wait and see what happens, as far as the chicken-laws go. And then, if it DOES blow up I think that Offspring is right: it looks like a lawyer could read that "except normal household pets" clasue to include your girls, especially if you keep documentation of your vet bills (obviously a pet!) and their names, etc. Take phots of you cuddling them, get testimonials from people who know you, and DEFINITELY start keeping a library of all the myriad news articles about PET CHICKENS that are cropping up frequently now.
Here's a page of links to some we used to convince our city council to change the law to allow "Pet Hens" (please note that the diffferentiation between PET chickens and just plain old farmyard chickens was crucial to the success of our campaign!)
you might find more info on our site if you indeed need to fight city hall:

the way, to the person who said it isn't illegal to own chickens anywhere in USA, that's not true. PLenty of communities (including ours until just now) outright ban them!

Good luck!!!!
My parents had issues with the neighbor's two german sheppards barking all night (and they live in a subdivision where the houses are extremely close together) and we ended up having to take them to court. The best advice I can give is to make sure that you document everything. The day and time (if you can remember) that you saw/see the cat(s) in your yard, what day/time your neighbor contacts you and what was said to you and by you, etc. Even record when you got rid of your pet rooster so that the noise wouldn't be an issue. That way if things DO get serious, you will have a history with your neighbor and can show a judge what you've tried to do.

Good luck... it's never fun fueding with a neighbor!
i think i am going to lay low for awhile. i am going to the city today, seeing what laws there are -- for pretty much everything. my neighbor says this cat (she named it now so she can call it a pet)is hers, and she is keeping him, and we cant do anything, because hes a pet. not true. no collars, in our yard, etc. but as much as i want to, i dont think that im going to trap it, this cat lady is crazy, no knowing what she does.
Since you don't want to remove the cats, it is time to start thinking of ways to deter the cats from coming on your property. Your neighbor may be "allowed" to have cats but they must be contained, and can not be a nuisance to you.

Here are a few ideas to deter the cats from coming onto your property.

Buy an airsoft pistol, shoot the cat with rubber bullets everytime they enter the property.

Put an electric fence around your chicken coop.

Spray the cats with a hose or buy one of those scarecrow motion detectors that sprays water when motion is detected.

Take pictures or film of the cats on your property and file a complaint with animal control.

Of course there are other things that could be done, get a dog or use a shovel and flashlight, but the biggest thing to remember is don't let your neighbor get the best of you.

Wether or not your chickens are legal or not, does not give her animals the right to come on to your property and terrorize you or your chickens.
I was checking out the Ideal Hatchery website the other day, and they have this solar operated flashing red light that is supposed to deter predators. You might look in to something like that to keep the cat away.

I lived in Forest Grove about 20 years ago. It was still pretty rural then, I don't know how it is now, but I can't see them having anything against chickens if it's still similar to how it was then.

I think your neighbor is bluffing. You could always bluff back and tell her that you checked, and chickens are ok but only 2 cats are allowed. That will scare the pants off her.

In any case, I believe that since you have a cat coming into your yard, you are the one that has the right to complain.

Good Luck!
In the UK you can buy electronic devices that deter cats by emitting an ear piercing noise over a certain radius (that is thankfully outside of the human spectrum).

There is also a good one that only kids/teenagers can hear and the councils are using them all over the place to keep gangs from hanging around the streets.

Arn't these avalible in the USA?

Other than that, Matt Berry suggested a lot of good ideas. I have some dogs (rottweilers) and they work wonders to keep cats, predators and burglars off my property!!!

The air gun idea is pretty good - get some target practise in before the hunting season! lol
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