Chickens arent allowed in Forest Grove, OR?

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Yep... there was buzz last year about a cell phone ringer that had such a high pitch that only kids could hear it, thus making it so that a teacher couldn't hear the ringing!
Just come across this thread...your neighbour's an a$$ who got mad because you called her out about her cat's damage.
Trap the stupid thing and take it away...
Especially since she said that she was gonna dump it in a feral community...
Just read all the rest of the things.
I went around so that I could keep Slifer even though she crowed. I went all around my block and the next street over...If it comes to that, bring your friendliest chicken and drag her around with you so that people will see that they're your pets. I wound up with 4 pages of signatures of people that didn't have a problem with my birds.
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OK, I think I have had a bit of exprience with this sort of problem. My wife is one of those old ladies that thinks she is on a mission from God to save every darn alley cat that comes her way. Of course, when there is a mess to be cleaned up, she doesn't do it. I have to clean the cat pee off of her car windows and just about every thing else.

These are wild feral cats. They are untouchable and vicious. Sometimes I have seen up to 24 of these foul beast show up to be fed.

We put up with crazy people because we love them. But only to a certain extent. No animals are allowed in my house except for birds in their cages.

You need to be very careful when you handle these issues. Sneaky is the word. Fire arms are noisy and dangerous. This job calls for slingshots. Wrist rocket is the best. Keep it out of sight and use it discretely. This is a good use for all of those old marbles your kids left laying around.

When she goes out, it is hunting time at home. Hit a cat with a marble a couple of times, and it will move into another territory. Go mess up someone elses property.

Should one perish, sneak it into the roadway. Then it appears to be a legitimate road kill. Also, disposal becomes a problem for the city sanitation department. Ring them up right away, you don't want it to get high.

As to the issue of the chickens, if she gives in and gets rid of the hens, this neighbor will come back with some other sort of complaint. Your house needs painting, or your car was parked in the wrong place, or any other little petty issued she can find.

The problem is the neighbor. I suggest you minimize your interaction with her. Ask her if she doesn't think the plethora of feral cats is not a health issued? Shouldn't we approach the city about this problem? She won't come back.

The last time a domesticated animal tried to attack our animals he disappeared. The owners think they know who had a hand in it but they can't prove it since there are 4 of us who have chickens in the neighborhood. Our newest neighbor saw our chickens in the yard with my DH and he decided to come over and tell us he did not approve of it and my hubby told him to go right ahead and call the sheriff because chickens are allowed in our area. My roo attacked him ( he was protecting his women). He has not said another word and we never did see the sheriff.
My DS's exbest friend tried blaming Obelisk for getting out of the yard when the neighbour's GSP got in and chased her. He said it was my fault that I hadn't clipped her wings, but not the dog's fault for jumping the fence because he's never on a leash, just let out loose.
My DH said that if he was a true friend that he'd be helping to look for her, not trying to blame our bird for trying not to be eaten.
He hasn't talked to DS or even come over since it loss...:|
Bad karma is not taking care of your animals, not protecting them...
I would give her the vet bill - when I talked to animal control about a ton of issues (including chicken) they said that if you feed a feral cat (for I believe it was 3 days) they consider that to be YOUR cat with all the LEGAL responsibilities. Animal control should be notified of ALL those cats, I complained about the amount of feral cats and what they had done to the local quail population and they came out a trapped. Her animals have absolutely NO right on your property. REALLY talk to Animal control they will know for sure. This advise has been given many times & I can not see from your posts that you have taken it.

Best offence is a good defence. Be prepared with FACTS.

Good Luck!
i went to the city today, and they gave me this. i am going to city council next monday. also, my neighbor (in her letter) said the chickens were a nuisance rather than the cats, and gave us the names of 2 neighbors, and we checked with them, and they said they didnt know about the chickens at all until they saw me with them. they said they do not mind them, they dont think about them, or anything.
If she's claiming it's her cat now, give her the vet bill and get her to pay. If it's her cat, she should be responsible for any damages.
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