Chickens as House pet's- A guide.


11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Imagine sitting in front of the crackling fireplace, your book cracked open, and a big beautiful Buff orpington sleeping silently on your lap,Or you and your favorite chicken watching tv on the couch.on a cold winter day

If these thoughts are appealing to you, Congratulations! you're ready to take the next step in owning chickens , as house pets.

If you are thinking of keeping a chicken as a house pet,there are a few thing's you need to consider first. Most Importantly is Potty training See: for a guide to potty training your chicken. You will also need to consider the gender of your house bird, for pets sake you should never mix two sexes of chickens. A rooster should be kept as a solitary house pet, and will get hormonally in-balanced if hen's or other bird's are around. Whereas you can keep a few hens. and not have as big of a problem.But remember rooster's are apt to crow but hens are ASSURED to sing the egg song!
Also consider if there are other pet's in the house, make sure that they are chicken compatible.

You can enjoy the company of your favorite chicken , and make him/her extremely tame while keeping them as house pet's. They are inquisitive and follow you like a puppy dog, and want to be part of everything you do. Take your chicken outside often, so he/she is getting appropriate sunlight levels to ensure good health.

As for sleeping provisions a small dog cage works well put something warm,and machine washable in the bottom and, cover the cage over with a sheet, so the chicken feels secure. and if he's a rooster he wont be as apt crow in the early morning if the light levels are kept low.

(A.K.A. Hackles)
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Are ya selling armor? Because I'd have to have full chicken body armor so the dogs don't munch her.

I've actually got a house chicken, sorta: she's my fave and kept a super tiny one in with her for company. They're in a rabbit cage in the guestroom but they're barely 5 weeks old.

But now I notice she's not getting as bulked up as the others out being wild things in the pumphouse. Maybe not enough exercise? :

Are ya selling armor? Because I'd have to have full chicken body armor so the dogs don't munch her.

I've actually got a house chicken, sorta: she's my fave and kept a super tiny one in with her for company. They're in a rabbit cage in the guestroom but they're barely 5 weeks old.

But now I notice she's not getting as bulked up as the others out being wild things in the pumphouse. Maybe not enough exercise?

First I would advise to hand tame and potty train her. she need's to be let out of the cage for exercise. and should only go in the cage at night so she doesn't get into trouble. If the room is closed up let them free range the room so the dog's cant get her.​
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That's brand new carpet in that room....I tried putting a tarp down and a sheet over it but they invariably take it apart and poop underneath it somehow.

I sent away for diapers to some nice lady in AR so I'm hoping they get here soon. Then the dogs'll have to be outside when she's out loose I guess. I know that chicken will be riding my shoulder in the car someday: she's so personable.

She's hand tame now: she jumps up and down like a toddler wanting to be picked up, then crawls up my arm. She's very annoyed if she's not cuddled each time I go in that room and scolds me.

Midget, the little bird in with her tolerates being held...but she's only humoring me. I can tell
Excellent, Hackles!

I can admit that house chickens aren't for everyone, but if that's the only way you can keep one, like I've had to, you do it!

Ruth's diapers are very good! I had a set for both Obelisk and Slifer. Slifer was fine with hers. Obelisk is a Leghorn...need I say more?
It's hard for me to picture a buff Orpington "sleeping silently in my lap." If the rest of my chooks are any indication, more likely she (also can't picture it being a 'roo!) will be roosting atop the china cabinet or wherever the highest point is in the room that she can get to. Instinct, you know.
Good thing I don't have a chandelier...
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Duck poop is uncontrollable, wet, splatty and more frequent than chicken poop. Unless you have an extra, completely tiled bathroom that you can fill with shavings and a duckie pool, I would avoid House Ducks at all costs.

With the exception of really small bantam chickens, I'm pretty much against poultry and livestock as house pets. Chickens are barn and barnyard creatures that need to scratch around outside, roost high at night, and follow their other instincts too. Ducks need to be able to drill in the mud, dabble, splash in water buckets and move around a lot as they're active creatures. Living in a house deprives them of much of their normal behavior.
This is awesome for urban homesteaders, Mark!

By the above, I assume you are saying that if hens are kept outside, and a pet rooster inside, the rooster wouldn't be a great house bird because he would only want to be outside with the hens--correct? Is there anyway it could work to let a roo be a part-time breeder (maybe keep him and some hens in a room together for a couple weeks to get fertile eggs), and keep him as the lone house bird the rest of the time?


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