Chickens attacked by unknown animal


In the Brooder
Jun 19, 2018
Melbourne, Florida
Came home last night to put chickens in their coop and something got in the run cuz feathers were all over. Other than the feathers, one had a bare spot on her back. This morning I went to check on them and they are obviously traumatized. I got one to eat and drink but not the other. They aren't coming out of the coop which is understandable but they are keeping their beaks open. Other than keep checking on them, is there anything else I can do at this point?
Time to inspect and fortify your coop and run. No telling what predator got to them, luckily you didnt lose any birds. They are keeping their beaks open because it's hot, and they were being chased, panting after the attack. Provide them ice water to drink to help cool them.
They'll eventually come out of the coop when they get hungry enough but will be skittish.
Close up any openings in the coop with hardware cloth. Is it covered? And does it have an apron? A lot of predators can get through gaps you'd most likely ignore as secure. And most are agile climbers, don't forget to look up. Pics of the coop will help with future advice. Best of luck.
Time to inspect and fortify your coop and run. No telling what predator got to them, luckily you didnt lose any birds. They are keeping their beaks open because it's hot, and they were being chased, panting after the attack. Provide them ice water to drink to help cool them.
They'll eventually come out of the coop when they get hungry enough but will be skittish.
Thanks so much for the explanation. Still dont know what got to them as whatever it was left before I got there. I have them drinking and eating grape tomatoes and took them to their favorite place in the yard fir a short visit. I will keep working with them.
Thanks for the insight. The actual coop is secure and they get locked inside at dusk. I have a closed in run with a gate and cover. The issue is that they were in the run section with the gate open cuz I ran late to get them in before dark. It was my own fault which is why Im so upset. It wont happen again, that’s for sure. Do you know anything about the automated dawn to dusk gates?
Thanks for the insight. The actual coop is secure and they get locked inside at dusk. I have a closed in run with a gate and cover. The issue is that they were in the run section with the gate open cuz I ran late to get them in before dark. It was my own fault which is why Im so upset. It wont happen again, that’s for sure. Do you know anything about the automated dawn to dusk gates?
Thanks for the insight. The actual coop is secure and they get locked inside at dusk. I have a closed in run with a gate and cover. The issue is that they were in the run section with the gate open cuz I ran late to get them in before dark. It was my own fault which is why Im so upset. It wont happen again, that’s for sure. Do you know anything about the automated dawn to dusk gates?
With a little modifications a gate closer could be modified on a timer. I personally haven't seen one for sale like that. One issue I do see is that gate closers are usually intended for driveway gates. They definitely would crush any birds in their path. What about adding a pop door next to the gate and using a closer for coop doors? I'd say it's a safer solution.
With a little modifications a gate closer could be modified on a timer. I personally haven't seen one for sale like that. One issue I do see is that gate closers are usually intended for driveway gates. They definitely would crush any birds in their path. What about adding a pop door next to the gate and using a closer for coop doors? I'd say it's a safer solution.
What is a pop door?

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