Chickens bringing Peeps together!

Hi! :frow Welcome to BYC! I have a good feeling about your one surviving egg. Star looking for a place to secure a couple siblings for it to brood with. In fact, I would get them just before hatch time and keep them in the same room nearby. It will help encourage the baby to hatch, hearing the other chirps. I just had only one egg hatch from my first attempt. Shipped eggs took too long in the mail, so most weren't viable. When I knew the one was going to hatch, I got 3 young sibling for it. They were a week old on hatch day, but it worked out great. I could hear one of the chicks talking to the one in the egg. They had a special sound just for each other. It was amazing! Chickens are social creatures, so again, I think you need to think about this.

Thank you @ValerieJ! This was so helpful. I’ve been looking around for some time now. I’m new to all of this and still discovering resources in my area. I have yet to come across available chicks :( But I am still searching.
Egg Basket.jpg

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Many of us have chicken OCD!

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