Chickens? Chickens.

Hi! Welcome!!

@Fairyloop5 Yes!
View attachment 1901945
Noodle's a lavender zigzag and he's 15 years old as of last month.

Aww love the snake!! :love

I want a snake but my parents hate them :hit

Same with rats, which I also want lol

But hoping to get a gecko (either crested or leo) or a beardie soon. :D

Then maybe slowly make my way to snakes. :lau

Or it may have to wait till I move out.

Maybe in the meantime expand the collection and add more and more geckos/lizards first. :lau

Thinking I might just get all 3 lol
@KDOGG331 Yeah I had to wait until I left home to get Noodle. He was my first big purchase, the summer after my freshman year of college. Honestly looking back on things I should have waited a little longer before getting a snake (like, you know, get a steady job first...), but he's put up with all the shenanigans pretty well over the years.
@KDOGG331 Yeah I had to wait until I left home to get Noodle. He was my first big purchase, the summer after my freshman year of college. Honestly looking back on things I should have waited a little longer before getting a snake (like, you know, get a steady job first...), but he's put up with all the shenanigans pretty well over the years.

That’s awesome!! He seems like a great snake. Are they expensive to keep? You mention the job bit so wasn’t sure ha I imagine they’re fairly expensive due to their diet as well as needing a bigger tank and more lights?

Geckos aren’t as bad or as much upfront cost, right?
@KDOGG331 Yeah I had to wait until I left home to get Noodle. He was my first big purchase, the summer after my freshman year of college. Honestly looking back on things I should have waited a little longer before getting a snake (like, you know, get a steady job first...), but he's put up with all the shenanigans pretty well over the years.
Welcome To BYC.... I too used to be a catch and release snake person... just garters... Too many rattle snakes here though.... Love em but need them to be elsewhere...

I make and used to do beading for earrings and loom work.... I am now into Wire Weaving jewelry.... though am taking a break now

The link to it is in my signature.... check out @Pyxis she is a vet tech as well as raising emus.

@KDOGG331 An appropriate setup for reptiles can get a bit pricey. It really depends on what species you're looking at because each one has very different and specific environmental needs. I've never owned geckos so I have no idea how much their setup costs. Cornsnakes do have more forgiving environmental needs than some other reptiles though, so all things considered he's been one of my less-expensive pets.

@perchie.girl Wire work is one jewelry thing I've never done. Probably should learn at least some, it seems like it'd come in handy from time to time!
@KDOGG331 An appropriate setup for reptiles can get a bit pricey. It really depends on what species you're looking at because each one has very different and specific environmental needs. I've never owned geckos so I have no idea how much their setup costs. Cornsnakes do have more forgiving environmental needs than some other reptiles though, so all things considered he's been one of my less-expensive pets.

@perchie.girl Wire work is one jewelry thing I've never done. Probably should learn at least some, it seems like it'd come in handy from time to time!

Thanks!! This is helpful!! Although you’re right, appropriate set up is the keyword, because I’ve read a lot of things that say the geckos are some of the cheapest and/or lowest maintenance reptiles out there but then I started looking into the set ups and stuff and while they are still fairly cheap and definitely cheaper than most other reptiles, it starts to add up if you want to do it right or add good lighting or bedding or a more natural look to the terrarium or whatever haha

I wish I could have a snake. They do seem pretty easy and forgiving about most things and of course they just seem really fun to play with haha but my parents are really creeped out by them and my mom even seemed pretty visibly freaked out even just over the geckos I showed her earlier, especially the cresties, so I think snakes are definitely out of the picture haha she seemed less freaked out by the leopard gecko but still freaked out/grossed out, and even less freaked out, even almost seemed to like beardies. But her main thing is she seems extremely concerned about the safety? Seems to think they are dangerous to touch/handle? Like that they all have diseases or salmonella or something and aren’t safe to have? Idk.

Anyway, sorry to hijack. :oops:

I’m starting to think though that since she seems freaked out by all of them anyway, I may as well just get a snake. :D :lau

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